Single Vacancy Induced Magnetism in Multi-Layer Graphene
Dr. Chao Zheng
Advanced Functional Materials and Green Energy Division, CSRC

Since the discovery of graphene, many applications have been found in electronic and optical and magnetic devices. However, the origin of the magnetism of defect graphene is, despite intensive theoretical and experimental studies, still unclear even for simplest structures. This is because it is a formidable task to characterize and quantify the local magnetism of defect graphene induced by various types of defects in different structures and geometry. In this work, single and multiple vacancies of multilayer graphene will be calculated and our focus is to investigated the magnetism of pristine mono/multi-layer graphene, in particle single and double vacancy induced magnetism in multilayer graphene, vacancy-vacancy interactions and its thickness dependence. First principle DFT calculations is mostly suitable for this task, and will be applied to such systems throughout this work.

About the Speaker
2015-09-18 2:30 PM
Room: A403 Meeting Room
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