Generalized Passarino-Veltman Reduction at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential
A/Prof. Hao-Ran Chang
Sichuan Normal University

In this talk, I will present two generalized Passarino-Veltman reductions (PVRs) at finite temperature and/or chemical potential. As a natural generalization of the conventional PVR at zero temperature and density, our generalized PVRs could systematically and extremely efficiently reduce the tensor integrals at finite temperature and/or density in one-loop correction functions. These generalized PVRs can be used to dramatically simplify the calculation of one-loop correlation functions, such as photon self-energy, electron self-energy, vertex correction, and spin susceptibility, in both nuclear physics (quark-gluon plasma) and condensed matter physics (graphene, topological insulators, topological semimetals).

About the Speaker

张浩然(Hao-Ran Chang), 四川师范大学物理系、固体物理研究所和计算科学中心副教授。2012年7月于中国科学技术大学理论物理专业获得博士学位, 随后加入四川师范大学物理与电子工程学院。2017年-2018年在加拿大McGill大学物理系郭鸿教授研究组做访问教授。张浩然副教授主要从事理论物理研究, 研究兴趣包括理论凝聚态物理和理论高能物理两方面。在理论凝聚态物理方面, 期主要关注拓扑半金属、硅烯、单层过渡金属二硫化物等拓扑材料中的新奇物理性质, 包括等离激元、光学性质、输运性质和磁性相互作用等。在理论高能物理方面, 近期主要关注与关联函数相关的广义Passarino-Veltman约化方法和广义Kramers-Kronig关系。近年来在Phys. Rev. D, J. High Energy Phys., Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications), Phys. Rev. B 等期刊上发表多篇论文。

2019-08-23 4:00 PM
Room: A303 Meeting Room
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