Quantum Severalty: Fast Protein Folding, Speed up versus Suppresion
Prof. You-Quan Li
Department of Physics, Zhejiang University

Protein folding is an important topic in the interdisciplinary field involving molecular biology, computer science as well as theoretical physics, in which the Levinthal paradox has long been a standing theoretical question. Previous progresses, till now, are made on the base of energy-landscape with various artificial hypotheses. This just likes the case, if one stays on the classical picture of planetary model of atoms to interpret the atomic line-shaped spectra, the so-called Bohr-Summerfield quantization condition must be imposed as a hypothesis. Recently, we introduced a self-contained quantum approach to investigate the protein folding problem without artificial hypotheses, modeling protein as quantum walks on definite graphs. 
After a brief introduction of both the scientific and academic background, I will describe the key points of our quantum theory for a fast protein-folding time. Then I present our consideration for the model with more amino-acids residues where more concepts such as compactness and distance-space projections are introduced. Our investigation reveals the existence of quantum intelligence hidden behind in the protein folding pathways. Furthermore, we abbreviate to a float-vertex graph model, and find a quantum severalty –speed up and suppress effect.

About the Speaker

李有泉, 教授, 男, 汉族, 1963年出生。于兰州大学物理系先后获学士学位(1983)、硕士学位(1986)、博士学位(1989)。1990.12-1992.12浙江大学博士后。现任职于浙江大学理学院物理系浙江近代物理中心。先后获得了中国高校自然科学一等奖、国家自然科学二等奖、第八届中国青年科技奖。全国优秀博士论文指导教师。1989.7-1990.11于烟台大学任教。1993年以来于浙江大学任教。1996年6月晋升教授、1997春聘为博士生导师。1996年6至9月意大利ICTP学术访问。 1997年瑞士联邦理工ETH-L客座教授。1997年12至1998年3月赴美国辛辛那提大学合作研究。1999年5月至2001年7月德国奥格斯堡大学客座教授、洪堡学者(Alexander von Humboldt fellow), 2002年1-3月赴香港中文大学合作研究, 2004年4-5月赴香港大学合作研究。 2001年9月起被教育部聘为长江学者奖励计划特聘教授。2002年获浙江省优秀教师称号。2003年分别获得国家"五一"劳动奖章, 国家六部委颁发的留学回国人员优秀成就奖章和浙江省劳动模范奖章。2004年获浙江省有突出贡献的中青年科技人员称号。所指导的博士生获得2005年全国优秀百篇博士论文奖。入选2006年新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选。

2019-09-17 10:00 AM
Room: A403 Meeting Room
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