Research Assistant Professor Song Li
Materials and Energy
- Office Location
- Room B415
- Telephone
- +86-10-56981834
- li.song[at]csrc.ac.cn
- Education
City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR, China
Ph.D,Mechanical Engineering, 2020
Donghua University Shanghai, China
M.S., Optical Engineering, 2017
Qufu Normal University Qufu, China
B.S., Optical Information of Science and Technology, 2014
- Professional Employment
Beijing Computational Science Research Center Beijing, China
Research Assistant Professor, 2024.09 -
Wigner Research Centre for Physics Budapest, Hungary
Research Fellow, 2020.12 - 2024.08
Guest Researcher, 2019.07 - 2019.12
City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR, China
Postdoc, 2020.06 - 2020.10
- Research Interests
1. ab-initio computational physics and materials science focusing on point defects in semiconductor materials.
2. solid state defects as quantum bit and single photon source for future quantum information science.
- Awards/Honors
Excellent Researcher 2022 (Winger Research Centre for Physics)
Outstanding Academic Performance Award 2018-2019 (City University of Hong Kong)
Research Tuition Scholarship 2018-2019 (City University of Hong Kong)
Chan Sui Hung Best Student Award (City University of Hong Kong)
Outstanding Academic Performance Award 2017-2018 (City University of Hong Kong)
Research Tuition Scholarship 2017-2018 (City University of Hong Kong)
Outstanding Graduates 2017 (Donghua University)
National Scholarship 2016-2017 (Donghua University)
Excellent Student 2016-2017 (Donghua University)
- Representative Publications
- 1. Li, S., Pershin, A. & Gali, A. Quantum Emission from Coupled Spin Pairs in Hexagonal Boron Nitride. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2408.13515. (2024).
- 2. Li, S., Pershin, A., Li, P. & Gali, A. Exceptionally strong coupling of defect emission in hexagonal boron nitride to stacking sequences. Npj 2D Materials And Applications. 8, 16 (2024).
- 3. Guo, N., Li, S., Liu,W., Yang, Y., Zeng, X., Yu, S.,Meng, Y., Li, Z.,Wang, Z., Xie, L. & Others Coherent control of an ultrabright single spin in hexagonal boron nitride at room temperature. Nature Communications. 14, 2893 (2023).
- 4. Li, S. & Gali, A. Identification of an oxygen defect in hexagonal boron nitride. The Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters. 13, 9544-9551 (2022).
- 5. Li, S. & Gali, A. Bistable carbon-vacancy defects in h-BN. Frontiers In Quantum Science And Technology. 1, 1007756 (2022).
- 6. Li, S., Pershin, A., Thiering, G., Udvarhelyi, P. & Gali, A. Ultraviolet quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride from carbon clusters. The Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters. 13, 3150-3157 (2022).
- 7. Li, S., Thiering, G., Udvarhelyi, P., Ivády, V. & Gali, A. Carbon defect qubit in two-dimensionalWS2. Nature Communications. 13, 1210 (2022).
- 8. Li, S., Chou, J., Hu, A., Plenio, M., Udvarhelyi, P., Thiering, G., Abdi, M. & Gali, A. Giant shift upon strain on the fluorescence spectrum of VNNB color centers in h-BN. Npj Quantum Information. 6, 85 (2020).
- 9. Li, S., Chou, J.,Wei, J., Sun, M., Hu, A.&Gali, A. Oxygenated (113) diamond surface for nitrogen-vacancy quantum sensors with preferential alignment and long coherence time from first principles. Carbon. 145 pp. 273-280 (2019).
- 10. Li, S., Chou, J., Zhang, H., Lu, Y. & Hu, A. A study of strain-induced indirect-direct bandgap transition for silicon nanowire applications. Journal Of Applied Physics. 125 (2019).