Welcom to Xu Group
Beijing Computational Science Research Center
How do our blood cells move along the flow
generated by our heart beat? Why do fish
swim in coordination? What makes glass
transparent like a liquid while stiff like a solid? These are common examples where systems
driven out of equilibrium display very interesting phenomena but are not well
understood at all. Here in our group we
go beyond traditional equilibrium theories and try to unveil the fundamentals
of non-equilibrium statistics. In close
collaboration with experimentalists worldwide, we work on a wide range of
materials and biological systems through both analytical modeling and
computational approaches.
Positions Available:
We are hiring at all levels! Motivated individuals please contact Xinliang Xu at xinliang@csrc.ac.cn.For graduate students, you can apply at either Beijing Computational Science Research Center, or Department of Physics at Beijing Normal University. For highly motivated students, we also offer collaborative program at Ph. D. level together with Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and collaborative program at Ph. D. level together with either Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) or the University of Oslo (UiO) thorough collaborations with PoreLab, which focuses on the physics of porous media using experimental, theoretical and computational methods.
For postdoc positions, please also include your CV. We are also hiring in collaboration with experimental groups:
1. Prof. Xiang Cheng at University of Minnesota, study of the non-equilibrium dynamics and rheology in E-coli suspensions.
2. Prof. Yilong Han at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, study of the vitrification or crystallization of colloidal suspensions.
3. Prof. Lei Xu at Chinese University of Hong Kong, study of the nucleation process of colloidal suspensions.