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Workshop Information
Invited Speakers
Workshop Program

The Mini Workshop on Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Information will be held in Beijing on December 22-23, 2014. It is organized by the Division of Simulations of Physics, Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC). The workshop aims to identify issues of current interests and explore collaborations among participants. The 2014 workshop will focus on the following topics: (A) Many-Body Problems, (B) Quantum Information, (C) Dynamics of Open Quantum System.  

Registration: Free (All are welcome)
Workshop language: English
Workshop Venue: No. 11 Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Run Ze Jia Ye Hotel
Accommodation: Run Ze Jia Ye Hotel, for the directions to Beijing CSRC and the hotel, please check:

Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Zhongguancun Software Park II , No.10 Dongbeiwang West Road , Haidian District , Beijing, 100094 Tel:86-10-56981701, E-mail:
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