- Speaker
- Prof. Evan Ma
- 西安交通大学
- Abstract
This lecture discusses a number of issues of interest to graduate students and junior faculty, to help them organize their (materials research) results into scientific papers for publication in internationally reputable journals. The sub-topics to be addressed include:
1) Why is it important to write quality papers?
2) What makes a good title?
3) Who should be in the author list?
4) How to write an attractive abstract?
5) What are the key elements in Introduction?
6) 10 essentials to keep in mind, to deliver an interesting and convincing story.
7) 5 guidelines to improve your writing.
8) The 4 C's in expressing yourself.
9) How to hammer home your message?
10) How to increase your chances if you are shooting for a top-flight journal?
- About the Speaker
马恩教授是亚稳态领域的材料科学家、资深学者。学士、硕士毕业于清华大学, 博士为清华大学与加州理工学院(Caltech)联合培养。现任西安交通大学材料科学与工程学院教授, 1998-2020年期间任美国约翰霍普金斯大学材料科学与工程系教授。他是非晶材料、纳米结构合金等领域国际著名的学术带头人之一, 在揭示这些远离平衡态材料微观结构及其与性能的关系方面做出了许多开创性工作。共发表学术论文403篇, 其中30篇发表在Science和Nature (含其大子刊 Nature Materials, Nature Review Materials和Nature Electronics) 上。论文已被引用约5万8千次(Google Scholars), 单篇最高约3700次, h因子为123。多年入选全球高被引科学家名单。在国际重要学术会议上做特邀报告(包括plenary, keynote 和 invited talks)156次, 并受邀在大学、研究所等学术单位做报告108次。马恩教授已先后当选为ASM International (前身为美国金属学会), APS (American Physical Society, 美国物理学会), MRS(Materials Research Society, 国际材料研究学会), TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 美国矿物、金属和材料学会)等国际著名大型专业学会的会士(Fellow)。
- Date&Time
- 2024-01-04 10:00 AM
- Location
- Room: Conference Room I