Non-Markovian Quantum Optics: Spontaneous Emission of a Giant Artificial Atom
Dr. Ling-Zhen Guo
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL), Erlangen, Germany

In quantum optics, light-matter interaction has conventionally been studied using small atoms interacting with electromagnetic fields with wavelength several orders of magnitude larger than the atomic dimensions. However, recently in the experiment with superconducting circuits, people have demonstrated the vastly different giant atom regime, where an artificial atom interacts with acoustic fields with wavelength several orders of magnitude smaller than the atomic dimensions. This is achieved by coupling a superconducting qubit (artificial two-level atom) to surface acoustic waves via piezoelectric effects. The slow velocity of sound leads to a significant internal time-delay for the field to propagate across the giant atom, giving rise to non-Markovian dynamics [1] such as the nonexponential relaxation in the time domain [2]. The giant atoms with deterministic time delayes represent a new paradigm in quantum optics, i.e., the non-Markovian quantum optics.

[1] L. Guo, A. Grimsmo, A. F. Kockum, M. Pletyukhov, and G. Johansson, Giant acoustic atom: A single quantum system with a deterministic time delay, Phys. Rev. A 95, 053821(2017)  (Editor's suggestion)
[2] G.  Andersson, B.  Suri, L. Guo*, T.  Aref, P.  Delsing* , Nonexponential decay of a giant artificial atom, Nature Physics 15, 1123–1127(2019)

About the Speaker

郭领阵博士, 男, 1982年出生。于北京师范大学物理系先后获得学士学位(2005)、硕士学位(2009)、博士学位(2013),其中2010年9月-2012年7月作为国家公派联培博士生前往德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院深造学习。2013年7月-2014年8月,德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院,理论固体研究所博士后。2014年9月-2015年8月,瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学,微米技术与纳米科学学院博士后。2015年9月-2017年11月,德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院,理论固体研究所博士后。2018年1月至今,德国马克思·普朗克光学研究所高级博士后。主要研究领域为量子光(声)学,量子多体物理,量子信息;机器学习及其在物理中的应用:用人工神经网络研究量子体系中的非马尔科夫效应。

2019-11-18 2:00 PM
Room: A403 Meeting Room
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