- Speaker
- Prof. Zhen-Yu Zhang
- International Center for Quantum Design of Functional Materials, USTC
- Abstract
The recent discovery of topological insulators as a new class of quantum materials offers various new design schemes for potential definitive realization of topological superconductors and unambiguous detection of Majorana fermions. In this talk, I will present some of our latest findings surrounding topological superconductors, focusing on their potential materials realization. We first briefly review on the robust nature of the topological surface states at the interfaces of topological heterojunctions, highlighting on the intriguing emergent functionalities of such systems. We then show that proper introduction of dilute magnetic dopants at the interfaces of topological insulators and conventional superconductors can effectively turn the systems into chiral topological superconductors. We next shift to two-dimensional (2D) Rashba spin-orbit coupled superconductors, and explore how magnetic or Anderson disorders can induce topological phase transitions in such systems. Beyond such microscopic model studies, we also use first-principles calculations to study several candidate systems that may favor 2D topological superconductivity.
- About the Speaker
张振宇, 1982年毕业于武汉大学, 1989年获美国Rutgers大学博士学位。1995年至2010年在美国橡树岭国家实验室工作, 任杰出研究员。1997年起在美国Tennessee大学担任教授。2007到2008年担任Tennessee大学讲座教授 (JIAM Chair of Excellence)。2008年起担任中国科学技术大学教授, 发起成立国际功能材料量子设计中心并担任联合主任。长期从事凝聚态理论计算和模拟研究工作, 在采用多重尺度方法研究低维体系、纳米材料, 特别是表面生长机理及稳定性等方面取得了重要成绩: 引入与发展了动力学蒙特卡罗模拟方法在薄膜及低维结构生长中的应用; 提出了金属薄膜及低维结构的量子生长概率, 在薄膜生长与纳米科学领域开创了一个新的研究分支; 在量子原理基础上设计了采用表面活性剂生长优质薄膜、分维型结构、及磁性半导体的新机理; 系列研究了异质薄膜的非平衡态生长中原子尺度台阶捆绑的热力学稳定性、动力学稳定性、及标度属性。美国物理学会会士(1998), 国家自然科学基金委海外杰出青年基金(2001-2004), 现任Physical Review Letters副主编 (Divisional Associate Editor)。共发表SCI论文约220篇, 其中4篇Science和Nature, 63篇PRL, 论文被应用总数超过6000次, 其中被引用超过100次的文章14篇。
- Date&Time
- 2016-06-22 4:00 PM
- Location
- Room: A303 Meeting Room