Spectrum Structure and Behaviors of Kinetic Equations
Prof. Hai-Liang Li
Capital Normal University

We present the recent results on the spectrum structures of the Vlasov-Poisson(Maxwell)-Boltzmann equations and justify the influences of the electrostatic potential force, Lorentz force, and/or the mutual interaction between charged particles of differernt types. It is joint work with Ying Wang, Mingying Zhong and Tong Yang.

About the Speaker

李海梁教授, 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者, 1999年在中科院数学所取得博士学位, 2004年起任教于首都师范大学。李海梁教授长期从事非线性偏微分方程的研究, 主要涉及流体方程(包括经典流体方程和量子流体方程), 非线性薛定谔(-Poisson)方程, 运动学(Kinetic) (包括粒状流(granular flow) 和Fokker-Planck-Boltzmann) 方程,带耗散的双曲型方程, 以及非线性热粘弹性方程等方面。

2016-07-19 4:00 PM
Room: A203 Meeting Room
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