- Speaker
- Dr. Jun Huang
- Purdue University, USA
- Abstract
The downscaling of electronic devices (such as the logic transistors) along with the reduction of supply voltage in integrated circuits (IC) make computers cheaper and faster by allowing more transistors and thus more functional units to be packed into the IC chips. However, after more than 50 years’ development, the physical dimensions and supply voltage of the nanoscale devices have both reached their fundamental limits. In order to continue miniaturizing the devices and reducing the supply voltage for low power density, novel electronic materials, device structures, and device concepts need to be explored. Advanced nanoelectronics modeling is indispensable to understand these novel devices, as they typically have three-dimensional geometry and countable number of atoms in critical dimensions. In addition, the interactions among electrons, phonons, and photons make it a multiphysics problem. NEMO5 is a parallel multiscale, multiphysics nanoelectronics modeling software that can simulate realistic device structures with atomic resolution. In this talk, I will demonstrate such modeling through one specific example, a novel tunneling transistor with triple heterojunctions for low-power electronics applications. I will give some back ground of this device, explain its design concepts, and discuss the modeling challenges. A special non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) method with diffusive leads is developed in NEMO5 to assess the device performances.
- About the Speaker
Dr. Jun Huang received the B.E. degree from Nankai University in 2004, the M.E. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree from The University of Hong Kong in 2013, all in electrical engineering. During his master degree study, he worked on compact modeling of carbon nanotube transistors. During his Ph.D., he worked on fast numerical algorithms for efficient quantum transport simulations and applied them to study nanoscale metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors and tunnel transistors. Since December 2013, he has been a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Gerhard Klimeck’s group, Purdue University, where he has been involved in development and applications of NanoElectronics Modeling software NEMO5. He has authored/co-authored 14 journal papers, 14 conference papers, and 2 book chapters.
- Date&Time
- 2016-09-07 2:30 PM
- Location
- Room: A303 Meeting Room