- Speaker
- Prof. Jun Jing
- Institute of atomic and molecular physics, Jilin University
- Abstract
Understanding the mechanics of open quantum systems interacting with a large number of uncontrollable degrees of freedom (termed environment) is a rapidly emerging field. It has been developed in quantum optics, quantum transport and quantum control. The essential recipe for making quantum devices are quantum coherence and interference, which are often ruined by environmental noise. Due to the ever-developing system-environment interaction and environmental memory capability, conventional tools, such as Lindblad master equation and Bloch-Redfield master equation, are incapable of accurately resolving the dynamics of open quantum systems. The quantum-state-diffusion (QSD) equation is one of the promising approaches for solving the non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems in much wider ranges of system-environment interaction and environmental correlation function. Also it provides a consistent and trustworthy tool to perform nonperturbative quantum control, such that one can justify whether the quantum control effectiveness is from control itself or from the artificialness of the approximation. Inspired by the QSD equation and nonperturbative quantum control, we will focus on the mechanisms of the quantum noise in physical system. Then we can extend the appealing and modern applications, such as adiabatic passage, quantum state engineering, geometric phase-based quantum computation, and high-speed quantum gate, from the regime of closed systems to that of open systems.
- About the Speaker
Dr. Jun Jing got his PhD degree in 2007 at Physics Department of Shanghai Jiaotong University. He was admitted as a lecturer at Shanghai University and got promoted as an associate professor in 2009. From 2010 to 2014, he worked as a research associate (post-Doc) at Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, a visiting scholar at The Basque Country University, Spain, and a research scientist at University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, in order of time. Now he is a full professor at the Institute of atomic and molecular physics, Jilin University. His works involve with the dynamics of open quantum system, quantum control, decoherence process in AMO systems and artificial atomic systems, geometrical quantum computing and adiabatic passage of open quantum system.
- Date&Time
- 2016-09-13 2:30 PM
- Location
- Room: A403 Meeting Room