- Speaker
- Prof. Xiang-Rong Wang
- Department of Physics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Abstract
Magnetic materials are highly correlated spin systems that do not respect the time-reversal symmetry. The low-energy excitations of magnetic materials are spin waves whose quanta are magnons. Like electronic materials that can be topologically nontrivial, a magnetic material can also be topologically nontrivial with topologically protected unidirectional edge states. These edge states should be superb channels of processing and manipulating spin waves because they are robust against perturbations and geometry changes, unlike the normal spin wave states that are very sensitive to the system changes and geometry. Therefore, the magnetic topological matter is of fundamental interest and technologically useful in magnonics. Here, we show that ferromagnetically interacting spins on a two dimensional honeycomb lattice with nearest-neighbour interactions and governed by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, can be topologically nontrivial with gapped bulk spin waves and gapless edge spin waves. These edge spin waves are indeed very robust against defects under topological protection. Because of the unidirectional nature of these topologically protected edge spin waves, an interesting functional magnonic device called beam splitter can be made out of a domain wall in a strip. It is shown that an in-coming spin wave beam along one edge splits into two spin wave beams propagating along two opposite directions on the other edge after passing through a domain wall.
- About the Speaker
王向荣, 香港科技大学终身教授; 1984年毕业于武汉大学物理系, 同年通过中美联合招收物理研究生选拨考试(CUSPEA)赴美深造。1990年在美国罗彻斯特大学(University of Rochester)获博士学位; 1992受聘于香港科技大学至今。研究方向: 凝聚态理论, 研究领域包括无规系统中的量子相变, 低维系统的电子输运及磁动力学。
- Date&Time
- 2017-03-10 3:30 PM
- Location
- Room: A303 Meeting Room