- Speaker
- A/Prof. Cen-Ke Xu
- Department of Physics, UC Santa Barbara, USA
- Abstract
We discuss recent progresses of understanding 2+1d quantum phase transitions, and topological phases. Based on observations from various perspectives, we realize that many 2+1d quantum critical points, though look different through their Lagrangians, may be secretly dual (equivalent) to each other. These dualities give us powerful predictions about universal behaviors of very different systems at the quantum critical points, which can be checked by numerical simulations. We also discuss how to realize part of the physics in experimental systems.
- About the Speaker
许岑珂, 湖南省株洲市人。1999年以湖南高考理科第一名进入清华, 就读数理基础科学班, 曾荣获清华大学物理本科生的最高荣誉—叶企孙奖学金, 毕业后留学美国, 2007年在加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位后, 前往哈佛大学从事博士后研究工作。2009年加入加州大学圣芭芭拉分校物理系, 目前任副教授。荣获2011年美国斯隆研究奖(Sloan Research Fellowship Award), 同年获得海外华人物理学会—2011年度杰出年轻研究学者奖 (Outstanding Young Researcher Award)。
- Date&Time
- 2017-03-30 4:00 PM
- Location
- Room: A303 Meeting Room