- Speaker
- Dr. Tao Wang
- Chongqing University
- Abstract
Floquet engineering is a powerful tool to customize quantum states and Hamiltonian via timeperiodic fields. Mean while, Sr-87 optical lattice clock system is not only among the most accurate precision measurement devices, but also has unique advantage for quantum simulation of several areas. We report the recent progress both in theoretical and experiments by combing these two areas together. Our work opens to the design of a new generation of devices for sensing, metrology and quantum simulations on optical lattice clock system.
- About the Speaker
汪涛, 2009年本科毕业于哈尔滨工业大学光信息科学与技术专业, 2011-2013年在德国凯泽斯劳滕工业大学联合培养,2015年博士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学物理学专业。现在在重庆大学弘深青年教师特别资助。主要研究领域为光晶格中冷原子系统,Sr原子晶格钟平台以及过程链算法,在PRA, PRB, PRR等杂志上以第一和通讯作者发表SCI论文9篇,主持国家和省级项目两项。
- Date&Time
- 2020-11-12 10:30 AM
- Location
- Room: A303 Meeting Room