- Speaker
- Prof. Kun Xu
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Abstract
In this talk, I will first discuss the framework of direct modeling for multiscale transport and present the basic methodology in the construction of unified gas-kinetic scheme (UGKS) and unified gas-kinetic wave-particle (UGKWP) method. Then, I will review the algorithm development of UGKS for the study of non-equilibrium gas dynamics, radiative transfer, plasma physics, and dispersive multiphase flows, and their recent applications. Then, I will discuss the fundamental difficulties in the modeling and computation of turbulent flow under the current framework of continuum mechanics and discuss the possible research direction in modeling and computing non-equilibrium turbulent flow. The current presentation is mostly based on a review paper (a decade of unified gas-kinetic schemes) with Dr. Yajun Zhu.
- About the Speaker
徐昆教授是香港科技大学讲座教授(Chair Professor),长江学者。研究领域包括可压缩流体力学方程的高阶紧致格式,以及粒子输运的多尺度数值方法。在高阶格式方面,徐昆教授提出了气体动理学(GKS)通量并发展了基于GKS的时空耦合高阶格式,对于高超声速粘性问题计算的精度和稳定性有显著优势。在多尺度数值方法方面,徐昆教授提出和发展了统一气体动理学格式(UGKS)和统一气体动理学波粒方法(UGKWP),实现了从非平衡流域到近平衡流域的统一计算,并应用到多尺度气体输运、辐射(光子)输运、等离子体输运、中子输运等领域,在计算效率和精度相上具有显著优势。徐昆教授发展的高阶GKS和多尺度UGKS方法在国际国内得到了广泛应用和高度认可,并在国内很多科研机构得到广泛应用。徐昆教授担任Advances in Aerodynamics杂志主编和Computers and Fluids等杂志的副主编,多次在国际国内会议上做特邀报告,包括在第31届International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics 会议上做Bird Lecture报告等。
- Date&Time
- 2021-02-05 2:30 PM
- Location
- Room: Tencent Meeting