CSRC Summer School on Applied Inverse Problems
Objective: Inverse problems
have wide application in optics, radar, acoustics, nondestructive testing, geophysics and many other fields. This meeting aims at bringing together researchers from mathematical, physical and engineering communities to exchange ideas and discuss new trends. It will provide an interdisciplinary forum to inspire graduate students, post-docs and young researchers to cooperate in a wide range of applied inverse problems. Topics of this summer school include (but not limited to):
(i) regularization theory for ill-posed and inverse problems
(ii) inverse electromagnetic scattering with applications in imaging science
(iii) inverse problems arising from geophysics and seismology
There will be invited tutorial lectures and 60-minute presentations. We provide accommodation for some participants free of charge. The language for our summer school is Chinese.
Dates of Summer School: 7-11, August, 2017
Venue: Conference Room I, 1st Floor, CSRC Building
Address: Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)
Zhongguancun Software Park II, No. 10 Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
北京市海淀区东北旺西路10号, 北京计算科学研究中心, 100193

CSRC Summer School on Applied Inverse Problems
Inverse problems
have wide application in optics, radar, acoustics, nondestructive
testing, geophysics and many other fields. This meeting aims at bringing
together researchers from mathematical, physical and engineering
communities to exchange ideas and discuss new trends. It will provide
an interdisciplinary forum to inspire graduate students, post-docs and
young researchers to cooperate in a wide range of applied inverse
problems. Topics of this summer school include (but not limited to):
(i) regularization theory for ill-posed and inverse problems
(ii) inverse electromagnetic scattering with applications in imaging science
(iii) inverse problems arising from geophysics and seismology
will be invited tutorial lectures and 60-minute presentations. We
provide accommodation for some participants free of charge. The language for this summer school is Chinese.
Dates of Summer School: 7-11, August, 2017
Venue: Conference Room I, 1st Floor, CSRC Building
Address: Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)
Zhongguancun Software Park II, No. 10 Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
北京市海淀区东北旺西路10号, 北京计算科学研究中心, 100193

All names are listed in alphabetical order. Title of the courses and presentations maybe slightly changed.
Lianlin Li (Peking University, China): Inverse electromagnetic scattering theory
Jijun Liu (Southeast University, China): Regularization schemes for ill-posed problems
Jianwei Ma (Harbin Institute of Technology, China): Compressed sensing
Lingyun Qiu (Petroleum Geo-Services Company, USA): Introduction to the mathematics of seismic inversion
Haiwen Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China): Fundamentals of radar imaging
Haiguang Liu (Beijing Computational Science Research Center, China): Computational problems in high resolution imaging using X-ray lasers
Xiaodong Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China):Sampling methods for acoustic scattering problems
Yikan Liu (Tokyo University, Japan):Inverse problems for the acoustic equation with a time-dependent principal part
Ju Ming (Beijing Computational Science Research Center, China)
Haibing Wang (Southeast University, China):Green function and its applications to inverse boundary problems
Yanfei Wang (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China):Selected topics on geophysical data imaging
Hao Wu (Tinghua University, China): Some recent results for waveform based earthquake location
Xiang Xu (Zhejiang University, China):Carleman estimate and applications for piezoelectric equations
Jiaqing Yang (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China):Some selected topics on inverse scattering by unbounded rough surfaces
Wenzhao Zhang (Beijing Computational Science Research Center, China): Introduction of quantum radar
Special section:
Pengfei Wang (Beijing Computational Science Research Center, China): Introduction of High Performance Computing (HPC) and computing resources at CSRC (Tianhe2-JK)
A visit to Tianhe2-JK (天河2-JK超级计算机) will be arranged following Dr. Pengfei Wang's presentation.
Guanghui Hu Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)
Bo Zhang Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Scientific Committee
Gang Bao Zhejiang University
Jin Cheng Fudan University
Qiang Du Beijing Computational Science Research Center
Jijun Liu Southeast University
Bo Zhang Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science
This summer school will start from Monday morning and end up before 12:00 on Friday. Detailed program can be found here.
CSRC Summer School on Applied Inverse Problems.pdf

Venue & Route
Workshop Venue
Our summer school will be held in Conference Room I, 1rd Floor, CSRC Home Building.
Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)
Zhongguancun Software Park II, No. 10 Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193, China
(北京市海淀区西北旺东路10号, 北京计算科学研究中心, 100193)
Telephone: +86-10-56981800
Recommended Route
1) From Capital International Airport (首都国际机场): the cost is about 130 RMB (50mins).
2) From Beijing Railway Station (北京站): the cost is about 100 RMB (80 mins).
3) From Beijing West Railway Station (北京西站): the cost is about 70 RMB (60mins).
4) From Beijing South Railway Station (北京南站): the cost is about 105 RMB (90mins).
Please download the
Address Note.pdf, you can print it out and present it to the taxi driver.
Local Bus:
Bus #205 (Software Park West Stop/软件园西区站)
Bus #333 (Houchangcun East Stop/后厂村东站)
Bus #963/#982 (Dongbeiwang West Road North Stop/东北旺西路北口站)
Subway Line 13 to "SHANG DI Station(上地站)", take Exit A to catch Bus
#205 to "Software Park West Stop(软件园西区站)". Enter the park and proceed
toward in the north direction, CSRC will be to your right in 400 meters.
Announcement: The application of accommodation was closed from June 8th, due to too many participants and limited funds. Thank you very much for your kind understanding.
We recommend the following hotels which should be reserved on your own. The summer school will be ended before 12:00 AM on Friday (Aug. 11th). Please email the summer school secretary via aip@csrc.ac.cn if you need any help.
1. Yitel 和颐酒店(软件园5号路) *The Nearest Hotel
Address: ZPark Building 9, No. 8 West Dongbeiwang Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100094, China
北京市海淀区东北旺西路8号中关村软件园9号楼 (中关村软件园南门)
Telephone: +86-10-82826677
Hotel Website
2. Holiday Inn Express Shangdi Beijing 北京上地智选假日酒店
Address: No. 33 Shangdi East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100085, China 北京市海淀区上地东路33号
Telephone: +86-10-82709999 / 400-830-2360
Hotel Website
3. Hanting Hotel 汉庭酒店(北京上地环岛店) *Domestic Guests Only
Address: 北京市海淀区上地六街17号(靠近上地西路,康得大厦西楼)
Telephone: +86-10-82897070
Hotel Website
Other Hotels Nearby
1. Home Inn 如家酒店(北京上地店)
Address: No. 11 Shangdi Chuangye Road, Haidian District, Beijing 北京市海淀区上地创业路11号
Telephone: +86-010-62962299 / 400-820-3333
Hotel Website
2. Super 8 Hotel 速8酒店 *Domestic Guests Only
Address: 北京市海淀区信息路15号
Telephone: +86-10-82784488
Hotel Website
There is no registration fee for all participants. Please fill in the registration form
暑期学校.docx and email to the summer school secretary via aip@csrc.ac.cn before July 10th.
Below is the WeChet code for those registered participants.

Email: aip@csrc.ac.cn
Summer school secretaries:
Ms. Chun Liu (AMSS, CAS)
Ms. Sining Wang (CSRC), Tel: 86-10-56981714