Name: The 7th International Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Physics and Quantum Information: The workshop on topology and dynamics in non-Hermitian systems
Date: Dec. 13-16, 2019 (December 13 is scheduled for registration)
Registration Deadline: December 01, 2019
Format: Invited Talks
Venue: Conference Room II, 3rd Floor, CSRC Home Building
Address: Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC), Building 9, East Zone, ZPark II, No.10 Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193, China
北京市海淀区西北旺东路10号院东区9号楼, 中关村软件园二期,北京计算科学研究中心

The International Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Physics and Quantum Information is a series workshop for theoretical and experimental quantum information research. This year, we focus on the topic “topology and dynamics in non-Hermitian systems”. Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians were not taken seriously in the past since they were assumed to be unphysical. With the advent of parity-time reversal symmetric systems possessing real eigenvalues and conserved probability, and with numerous experimental demonstrations, such Hamiltonians are now studied routinely as many novel features in non-Hermitian systems may or may not have any analogue in the Hermitian counterparts. Study of topological phases in non-Hermitian systems is one of the fastest growing and hot research topics. Some of the models have no direct analogy with the Hermitian counterparts and predict exotic topological phases which remained elusive in Hermitian systems but can be rather easily obtained in non-Hermitian systems. The scientific objects of the workshop are to gather widely recognized experts in the field to present and discuss groundbreaking work.
This event will take place from December 13 to 16, 2019, in Beijing Computational Science Research Center. Only invited long talks and posters are arranged.
Workshop Information
Name: The 7th International Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Physics and Quantum Information: The workshop on topology and dynamics in non-Hermitian systems
Date: Dec. 13-16, 2019 (December 13 is scheduled for registration)
Registration Deadline: December 01, 2019
Format: Invited Talks and Posters
Contact: QPQI7@csrc.ac.cn
Venue: Conference Room II, 3rd Floor, CSRC Home Building
Address: Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC), Building 9, East Zone, ZPark II, No.10 Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193, China
北京市海淀区西北旺东路10号院东区9号楼, 中关村软件园二期,北京计算科学研究中心
1. Please fill in the REGISTRATION FORM and submit before Dec. 1, 2019. To qualify for student registration, the photocopy of the Student ID is required. Please fit your poster abstract to
Abstract Template Form.doc when uploading.
2. The acknowledgement of receipt will be replied by email after the Secretariat receives your registration. Please contact the Secretariat if no email confirmation within 10 days.
3. Different registration fees will be charged according to the time of registration (early and late), status of the participants and accompanying persons.
Registration Fee:
| Before December 1, 2019 by Wire Transfer | On-Site |
Regular & Posdoc | RMB1000 or USD150 | RMB1400 or USD200 |
Student | RMB600 or USD85 | RMB850 or USD120 |
Registration fee contains:
Handbook of abstracts
All portions of the workshop program
Lunches, dinners and refreshments
Methods of Payment
1. Bank Transfer(Deadline: Dec. 1, 2019, personal expense for processing fee)
Bank Name: Bank of China Beijing Branch (中国银行北京上地信息路支行)
Account Name: Beijing Computational Science Research Center (北京计算科学研究中心)
Account Number: 320756023147
SWIFT Code: BKCHCNBJ110 (国内转账无需此项)
Bank Address: Bank of China Beijing Branch No.2 Chaoyangmenneidajie Dongcheng District, Beijing,100010
*Please make sure to indicate payment purpose of "QOQI7" plus your full name on the bank transfer.
2. On-Site Payment
Cash only (Cash payments in CNY/USD are acceptable).
Cancellation and Refund Policy
1. Cancellations will be accepted via phone, fax or e-mail, and must be received by Dec. 1, 2019. Refund requests must include the name of the attendee and/or transaction number.
2. Cancellations received by Dec. 1, 2019 will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations received after the stated deadline will not be eligible for a refund.
Participants who need documentation for visa application are kindly requested to register earlier for the documentation preparing and mailing.
Workshop Venue
QPQI7 will be held in Conference Room II, 3rd Floor, CSRC Building.
Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)
Building 9, East Zone, ZPark II, No.10 Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193, China
北京市海淀区西北旺东路10号院东区9号楼, 中关村软件园二期,北京计算科学研究中心
Telephone: +86-10-56981800
Map of CSRC Building

Recommended Route
1) From Capital International Airport (首都国际机场): the cost is about 130 RMB (50mins).
2) From Beijing Railway Station (北京站): the cost is about 100 RMB (80 mins).
3) From Beijing West Railway Station (北京西站): the cost is about 70 RMB (60mins).
4) From Beijing South Railway Station (北京南站): the cost is about 105 RMB (90mins).
Please download the Address Notes, you can print it out and present it to the taxi driver.
Local Bus:
Bus #205 or 909 (Software Park West Stop/软件园西区站)
Bus #333 (Hou Chang Cun East Station/后厂村东站)
Bus #963/982 (Dongbeiwan West North Station/东北旺西路北口站)
Take subway line 13 to station “SHANG DI (上地站)”, take exit A to catch Bus #205 to “Software Park West (软件园西区站)” stop. Enter the park and proceed toward in the north direction, CSRC will be to your right in 400 meters.
For domestic participants, please click: http://j.map.baidu.com/WLV80
Recommended Hotels
1. Hanting Hotel 汉庭酒店(北京上地环岛店)Domestic guests only
Address: 北京市海淀区上地六街17号(靠近上地西路,康得大厦西楼)
Telephone: +86-10-82897070
Hotel Website
2. Yitel 和颐酒店(软件园5号路)
Address: ZPark Building 9, No. 8 West Dongbeiwang Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Telephone: +86-10-82826677
Note: 订房请直接拨打前台电话报“非厄米系统会议”享受协议价480/晚
Hotel Website
Other Hotels Nearby
1. Holiday Inn Express Shangdi Beijing 北京上地智选假日酒店
Address: No. 33 Shangdi East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100085, China北京市海淀区上地东路33号
Telephone: +86-10-82709999 / 400-830-2360
Hotel Website in Chinese or in English
2. Home Inn 如家酒店(北京上地店)
Address: No. 11 Shangdi Chuangye Road, Haidian District, Beijing 北京市海淀区上地创业路11号
Telephone: +86-010-62962299 / 400-820-3333
Hotel Website
3. XinXing Hotel 鑫星酒店 Domestic guests only
Address: 北京市海淀区东北旺路八维学校2号楼
Telephone: +86-010-83399988
Hotel Website
4. 7 Days Inn 7天连锁酒店 Domestic guests only
Address: 北京市海淀区上地六街28号(上地六街与上地西路交叉口)
Telephone: +86-10-82783388
Hotel Website
Visa & Travel
Visitors to China must have a valid passport and, in most cases, an appropriate Chinese visa. Please check at your earliest convenience with your local Chinese Embassy or Consulate General for details on visa application. It is advisable to apply for the visa at least two months ahead of the workshop.
In general, a Tourist Visa (L Visa) will suffice for you to attend our workshop; and you do not need any invitation letter for L-Visa application. However, in cases that a Business Visa (F Visa) is a must, you will need a letter of invitation issued from the Organizing Committee. If you need an official invitation letter or any further assistance on visa application, please contact Ms. Yuan Gao (+86-10-56981720; QPQI7@csrc.ac.cn ).
Click to view details of Chinese Embassies
Useful Information
China local time is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) by 8:00 hours.
The Renminbi is the legal tender in the China. It is issued by the People's Bank of China. The official abbreviation of Renminbi is CNY, but also commonly abbreviated as RMB.
The electricity supply in China is 220 Volts and 50 Hz. Notebooks in 100-250 Volts can be accepted but some appliances requiring 110 Volts would need a voltage adapter. The electrical sockets require three (or two) round pin plugs.
Currency conversion is possible at airports and banks. International credit cards are accepted in some important and famous places, such as the International hotels, and department stores and shops, to which foreigners often visit.
Changpu Sun (Beijing Computational Science Research Center)
Nan Zhao (Beijing Computational Science Research Center)
Yong Li (Beijing Computational Science Research Center)
Peng Xue (Chair, Beijing Computational Science Research Center)
Local Organizing Committee
Peng Xue (Beijing Computational Science Research Center)
Email: gnep.eux@gmail.com
Kunkun Wang (Beijing Computational Science Research Center)
Email: kunkunwang@csrc.ac.cn
Workshop Secretariat
Yuan Gao (Beijing Computational Science Research Center)
Email: QPQI7@csrc.ac.cn
Tel: +86-10-56981720