4th Conference on Numerical Methods for Fractional-Derivative Problems
The 4th Conference on Numerical Methods for Fractional-Derivative Problems, which was scheduled to take place on 4-6 June, will now take place Online during 22-24 October 2020.
If you wish to give a 25-minute talk that is directly relevant to the Objectives of the Conference, then submit your abstract by 1 October 2020, following the instructions on the webpage "Submission of abstracts".
Objectives: In recent years there has been an explosion of research activity in numerical methods for fractional-derivative(FD) differential equations. Much of the published work has been concerned with solutions to FD problems that are globally smooth --- but simple examples show that for given smooth data, the solutions to FD problems typically have weak singularities at some boundary of the domain, so globally smooth solutions are very unusual.
This conference will focus on the numerical solution of more typical (and more difficult) FD problems whose solutions exhibit weak singularities. As the definitions of fractional derivatives are nonlocal, there is also the issue of how to avoid excessive memory storage and expensive calculations in their implementation. Thus there are two objectives to this research:
(i) the design and analysis of methods (finite difference, finite element, ...) for FD problems;
(ii) the efficient computation of numerical solutions.
Another aim of this conference is to explore the application of FD theory to various inverse problems. Here the aim is to recover model parameters (for instance, initial values, model coefficients, fractional orders or domains of FD equations) from a knowledge of forward solutions. Solution of the inverse problem relies heavily on the analysis and numerics of the forward model.
Deadline for registration and abstract submission:8 October 2020--see Registration page for details
It is necessary to register to gain access to the online talks at the conference. There is no registration fee. Registration does not entitle the participant to give a talk.
Webpages of previous workshops in this series: 2019, 2018, 2017
2019 http://www.csrc.ac.cn/en/event/workshop/2019-01-24/88.html
2018 http://www.csrc.ac.cn/en/event/workshop/2018-02-09/79.html
2017 http://www.csrc.ac.cn/en/event/workshop/2017-03-30/71.html
Dates of Conference: 22-24 October 2020
Venue: Online Zoom Meeting

4th Conference on Numerical Methods for Fractional-Derivative Problems
The 4th Conference on Numerical Methods for Fractional-Derivative Problems, which was scheduled to take place on 4-6 June, will now take place Online during 22-24 October 2020.
If you wish to give a 25-minute talk that is directly relevant to the Objectives of the Conference, then submit your abstract by 1 October 2020, following the instructions on the webpage "Submission of abstracts".
Objectives: In recent years there has been an explosion of research activity in numerical methods for fractional-derivative(FD) differential equations. Much of the published work has been concerned with solutions to FD problems that are globally smooth --- but simple examples show that for given smooth data, the solutions to FD problems typically have weak singularities at some boundary of the domain, so globally smooth solutions are very unusual.
This conference will focus on the numerical solution of more typical (and more difficult) FD problems whose solutions exhibit weak singularities. As the definitions of fractional derivatives are nonlocal, there is also the issue of how to avoid excessive memory storage and expensive calculations in their implementation. Thus there are two objectives to this research:
(i) the design and analysis of methods (finite difference, finite element, ...) for FD problems;
(ii) the efficient computation of numerical solutions.
Another aim of this conference is to explore the application of FD theory to various inverse problems. Here the aim is to recover model parameters (for instance, initial values, model coefficients, fractional orders or domains of FD equations) from a knowledge of forward solutions. Solution of the inverse problem relies heavily on the analysis and numerics of the forward model.
Deadline for registration and abstract submission:8 October 2020--see Registration page for details
It is necessary to register to gain access to the online talks at the conference. There is no registration fee. Registration does not entitle the participant to give a talk.
Webpages of previous workshops in this series: 2019, 2018, 2017
2019 http://www.csrc.ac.cn/en/event/workshop/2019-01-24/88.html
2018 http://www.csrc.ac.cn/en/event/workshop/2018-02-09/79.html
2017 http://www.csrc.ac.cn/en/event/workshop/2017-03-30/71.html
Dates of Conference: 22-24 October 2020
Venue: Online Zoom Meeting

Invited Speakers
Most talks will be given in English.
Main Speakers:
Bangti Jin University College London, UK
Natalia Kopteva University of Limerick, Ireland
Abner Salgado University of Tennessee, USA
Masahiro Yamamoto University of Tokyo, Japan
Invited Speakers:
Kai Diethelm University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany
Vincent J. Ervin Clemson University, USA
Roberto Garrappa University of Bari, Italy
Samir Karaa Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Raytcho Lazarov Texas A&M University, USA
Hong-Lin Liao Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Yang Liu Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot
Kassem Mustapha King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Hong Wang University of South Carolina, USA
Jilu Wang Beijing CSRC
Li-Lian Wang Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Yubin Yan University of Chester, UK
Zhi Zhou Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Guanghui Hu Nankai University, Tianjin
Martin Stynes CSRC
Jilu Wang CSRC
Zhimin Zhang CSRC
Deadline for registration: 8 October 2020
Please fill in the Registration Form and submit before 8 October 2020.
It is necessary to register to gain access to the online talks at the conference.
There is no registration fee.
Submission of Abstracts
If you wish to give a 25-minute Contributed Talk at the conference, please prepare your title and abstract using the files provided here [
Abstract.zip]and email your abstract (both .tex and .pdf files) to fdworkshop2020@csrc.ac.cn by 1 October 2020.
(i) When there is more than one author, the name of the person giving the talk should be underlined (as in the sample file).
(ii) Each .pdf output file for title & abstract should be not more than one page in length.
We expect to inform you by 8 October whether your abstract is accepted. Acceptance of an abstract depends on its relevance to the conference and on the number of abstracts submitted (the number of time slots available for Contributed Talks is limited).
Contact Information
Ms. Sining Wang (王思宁)
Workshop Secretary
Tel: 86-10-56981714
Email: fdworkshop2020@csrc.ac.cn