Active Matter:Interfaces and Boundaries
April 22-26, 2024
Active matter generally designates systems comprising constituents that transform energy stored internally or gathered form the environment into mechanical work. Many situations, at all scales, fall under this broad umbrella. Almost all living systems are included, but there are also numerous synthetic, man-made ones. It is then no surprise that over the last 20 years or so, active matter has emerged as an important multidisciplinary field. It is still growing fast, as testified by many indicators. Statistical physics, with its toolbox and mindset, is central to approach active matter systems, which are out of equilibrium 'in the bulk', and are spanned by myriads of stochastic and nonlinear processes and mechanisms. It is thus no surprise that computational work is central in many active matter papers.
A lot of the numerical research performed so far has dealt with collections of self-propelled particles evolving in domains with periodic boundary conditions. This rather unrealistic situation dispenses from having to deal with boundaries, a useful first step to consider. But over the years evidence has accumulated showing that boundaries play a crucial role beyond their obvious effect of blocking active motion: they have far-reaching influence on the bulk of active systems. For instance, mechanical pressure and surface tension, in active matter systems, depend on the nature of the boundaries and on the interaction rules of particles with these walls. Other well-known results showed that passive objects in active baths induce long-range currents, that small obstacles in large flocks can reverse the global flow, etc. Evidence accumulates about the role of boundaries, but we are lacking a comprehensive approach, or even some attempt at synthesizing these results.
A central theme in the statistical physics of active matter is that of phase separation. The most famous instance is the so-called motility-induced phase separation (MIPS), whereby active particles only interacting via repulsive forces can spontaneously phase separate into a dense phase surrounded by a sparse gas. Even the archetypical phenomena of flocking, as exhibited by the Vicsek model or the Toner-Tu theory, are best described as resulting from a phase separation scenario. Whenever phase separation occurs, interfaces appear. In the presence of chirality, they may be the location of edge currents. All the interfaces have not been studied much so far, even though one can argue that thy are the structures most revealing the non-equilibrium nature of active matter systems. In addition, in resonance with the above remarks about boundaries, active interfaces defined by the phases they separate can be suspected to influence these phases over large scales.
Boundaries and interfaces can thus both be seen as lower-dimensional structures that have subtle, far-reaching effects on bulk active matter. Because they are both 'unavoidable' in many real situation, studying their influence is crucial to any understanding of active matter.
Date: Tutorial: April 22-23, 2024 (For detailed information, please refer to the tutorial webpage)
Workshop: April 24-26, 2024
Venue: Conference Room 1, 1st Floor, CSRC Building
Address: Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)
Zhongguancun Software Park II, No. 10 Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
北京市海淀区西北旺东路10号院东区9号楼, 北京计算科学研究中心, 100193

Active Matter:Interfaces and Boundaries
April 22-26, 2024
Active matter generally designates systems comprising constituents that transform energy stored internally or gathered form the environment into mechanical work. Many situations, at all scales, fall under this broad umbrella. Almost all living systems are included, but there are also numerous synthetic, man-made ones. It is then no surprise that over the last 20 years or so, active matter has emerged as an important multidisciplinary field. It is still growing fast, as testified by many indicators. Statistical physics, with its toolbox and mindset, is central to approach active matter systems, which are out of equilibrium 'in the bulk', and are spanned by myriads of stochastic and nonlinear processes and mechanisms. It is thus no surprise that computational work is central in many active matter papers.
A lot of the numerical research performed so far has dealt with collections of self-propelled particles evolving in domains with periodic boundary conditions. This rather unrealistic situation dispenses from having to deal with boundaries, a useful first step to consider. But over the years evidence has accumulated showing that boundaries play a crucial role beyond their obvious effect of blocking active motion: they have far-reaching influence on the bulk of active systems. For instance, mechanical pressure and surface tension, in active matter systems, depend on the nature of the boundaries and on the interaction rules of particles with these walls. Other well-known results showed that passive objects in active baths induce long-range currents, that small obstacles in large flocks can reverse the global flow, etc. Evidence accumulates about the role of boundaries, but we are lacking a comprehensive approach, or even some attempt at synthesizing these results.
A central theme in the statistical physics of active matter is that of phase separation. The most famous instance is the so-called motility-induced phase separation (MIPS), whereby active particles only interacting via repulsive forces can spontaneously phase separate into a dense phase surrounded by a sparse gas. Even the archetypical phenomena of flocking, as exhibited by the Vicsek model or the Toner-Tu theory, are best described as resulting from a phase separation scenario. Whenever phase separation occurs, interfaces appear. In the presence of chirality, they may be the location of edge currents. All the interfaces have not been studied much so far, even though one can argue that thy are the structures most revealing the non-equilibrium nature of active matter systems. In addition, in resonance with the above remarks about boundaries, active interfaces defined by the phases they separate can be suspected to influence these phases over large scales.
Boundaries and interfaces can thus both be seen as lower-dimensional structures that have subtle, far-reaching effects on bulk active matter. Because they are both 'unavoidable' in many real situation, studying their influence is crucial to any understanding of active matter.
Date: Tutorial: April 22-23, 2024 (For detailed information, please refer to the tutorial webpage)
Workshop: April 24-26, 2024
Venue: Conference Room 1, 1st Floor, CSRC Building
Address: Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)
Zhongguancun Software Park II, No. 10 Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
北京市海淀区西北旺东路10号院东区9号楼, 北京计算科学研究中心, 100193

Invited Speakers
Francesco Ginelli Universita degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy
Isabella Guido University of Surrey, UK
Silke Henkes Leiden University, The Netherlands
Benoît Mahault Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany
Fanlong Meng Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Yi Peng Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Masaki Sano Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai
Xiaqing Shi Soochow University, Suzhou
Alexandre Solon Sorbonne Université, France
Anton Souslov University of Cambridge, UK
Thomas Speck University of Stuttgart, Germany
Julien Tailleur MIT, USA
Andrej Vilfan J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Xinliang Xu Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing
Mingcheng Yang Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Fangfu Ye Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wenzhou
Zhihong You Xiamen University, Xiamen
Hepeng Zhang Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai
Jie Zhang University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei
Kun Zhao University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu
Yongfeng Zhao Soochow University, Suzhou
Hugues Chaté Beijing Computational Science Research Center & CEA Saclay
Jure Dobnikar IOP/CAS
Ignacio Pagonabarraga University of Barcelona
1. Deadline for workshop registration: April 14, 2024
Please fill in the Registration Form and submit before April 14.
2. Methods of participation: Only participate in the tutorial part during April 22-23
Only participate in the workshop during April 24-26
Participate in both tutorial and workshop during April 22-26
3. Registration Fee (Registration fee will include lunches and dinners during the tutorial and workshop):
Participants from CAEP (中物院院内人员):
(1) Only participate in the tutorial part:no registration fee
(2) Only participate in the workshop:800RMB
(3) Participate in both tutorial and workshop: 800RMB
Participants from other institutes (外单位人员):
(1) Only participate in the tutorial part:500RMB
(2) Only participate in the workshop:800RMB
(3) Participate in both tutorial and workshop: 1300RMB
4. Methods of payment:
(1) Bank Transfer (Deadline: April 14, 2024, bank transfer fee at applicant's own expense)
Bank Name: Bank of China Beijing Branch (中国银行北京上地信息路支行)
Account Name: Beijing Computational Science Research Center (北京计算科学研究中心)
Account Number: 320756023147
Bank Address: No.2 Chaoyangmenneidajie Dongcheng District, Beijing,100010
**Please make sure to indicate payment purpose of "Active matter plus your full name" on the bank transfer**
请在汇款用途或附言中注明Active matter+您的全名(参会人)
(2) On-site payment-- cash (RMB) only (注:现场注册只收人民币现金)
Schedule and Program
Workshop Program.pdf
Onsite Registration:
Time: 08:00-08:50 (April 24, Wednesday)
Place: Conference Room I
Hotel reservations have been made at Yitel for all invited speakers.
Non-speakers are expected to make their own hotel reservations.
1) Yitel 和颐酒店(软件园5号路)
Address: ZPark Building 9, No. 8 West Dongbeiwang Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100094, China
北京市海淀区东北旺西路8号中关村软件园9号楼 (中关村软件园南门)
Telephone: +86-10-82826677
Hotel Website
2)Palace Hotels 朗丽兹酒店(北京中关村软件园农大店)
Address: 北京市海淀区竹园东街与马连洼北路交叉口西南侧约50米 (竹园小区北侧商服楼一层111号)
Telephone: +86-10-62961081
Hotel Webpage
3) Holiday Inn Express Shangdi Beijing 北京上地智选假日酒店
Address: No. 33 Shangdi East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100085, China 北京市海淀区上地东路33号
Telephone: +86-10-82709999 / 400-830-2360
Hotel Website
4) Hanting Hotel 汉庭酒店(北京上地环岛店) *Domestic guests only
Address: 北京市海淀区上地六街17号(靠近上地西路,康得大厦西楼)
Telephone: +86-10-82897070
Hotel Website
5) Home Inn 如家酒店(北京上地店)
Address: No. 11 Shangdi Chuangye Road, Haidian District, Beijing 北京市海淀区上地创业路11号
Telephone: +86-010-62962299 / 400-820-3333
Hotel Website
6) 7 Days Inn 7天连锁酒店 *Domestic guests only
Address: 北京市海淀区上地六街28号 (上地六街与上地西路交叉口)
Telephone: +86-10-82783388
Hotel Webpage
Venue and Route
Tutorial and Workshop Venue
Conference Room I, 1st Floor, CSRC Building.
Address: Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)
Zhongguancun Software Park II,
No. 10 Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193, China
北京市海淀区西北旺东路10号院东区9号楼, 北京计算科学研究中心, 100193
Telephone: +86-10-56981800
Recommended Route
1) From Capital International Airport (首都国际机场): the cost is about 130 RMB (50mins).
2) From Beijing Daxing International Airport (北京大兴机场): the cost is about 300 RMB (80mins).
3) From Beijing Railway Station (北京站): the cost is about 100 RMB (80 mins).
4) From Beijing West Railway Station (北京西站): the cost is about 70 RMB (60mins).
5) From Beijing South Railway Station (北京南站): the cost is about 105 RMB (90mins).
Please download the Address, you may print it out and present it to the taxi driver.(
Local Bus:
Bus #495/#909 (Software Park West Stop/软件园西区站)
Bus #333 (Software Park North Stop/r软件园北站)
Bus #963/#982 (Dongbeiwang West Road North Stop/东北旺西路北口站)
1. Take Subway Line 13 to "SHANG DI Station(上地站)", take Exit A to catch Bus #909 to "Software Park West Stop(软件园西区站)". Cross the road, enter the park, then take the first road to the right and proceed in the north direction, CSRC will be to your right in 400 meters.
2. Take Subway Line 13 to "Qing He Station(清河站)", take Exit A to catch Bus #495 to "Software Park West Stop(软件园西区站)". Cross the road, enter the park, then take the first road to the right and proceed in the north direction, CSRC will be to your right in 400 meters.
For domestic participants, please click:
Contact Information
Ms. Sining Wang (王思宁)
Tel: 86-10-56981714