Assistant Professor Chen Jia
Applied and Computational Mathematics
- Office Location
- Room B217
- Telephone
- 86-10-56981810
- chenjia[at]csrc.ac.cn
- Education
2009 - 2015 Ph.D. in Probability and Statistics
School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China
2005 - 2009 B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China
- Professional Employment
Dr. Jia received his B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Peking University in 2009 and received his Ph.D. in Probability and Statistics from Peking University in 2015 under the guidance of Prof. Minping Qian and Prof. Daquan Jiang. After completion of his degree, he moved to Dallas, where he worked at University of Texas at Dallas as a Research Associate supervised by Prof. Michael Q. Zhang and Prof. Min Chen. Then he moved to Detroit in 2019, where he worked at Wayne State University as a Research Associate supervised by Prof. George G. Yin. Since 2020, Dr. Jia joined CSRC as an Assistant Professor.
- Research Interests
1. Biological physics, Quantitative biology, Systems biology, Stochastic modeling
2. Markov processes, Stochastic analysis, Large deviation theory
3. Stochastic thermodynamics, Nonequilibrium statistical physics
- Awards/Honors
2013 - 2014 National Scholarship for Graduate Students, Ministry of Education of PRC
2012 - 2013 Zhong Jia-Qing Best Paper Award, Chinese Society of Probability and Statistics
2012 - 2013 Academic Award for Young Ph.D. Candidates, Ministry of Education of PRC
- Representative Publications
- 1. Chen Jia, Ramon Grima. Frequency domain analysis of fluctuations of mRNA and protein copy numbers within a cell lineage: theory and experimental validation. Physical Review X 11:021032, 2021.
- 2. Chen Jia, Abhyudai Singh, Ramon Grima. Cell size distribution of lineage data: analytic results and parameter inference. iScience 24(3), 102220, 2021.
- 3. Chen Jia. Kinetic foundation of zero-inflated negative binomial models for single-cell RNA sequencing data. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 80(3):1336-1355, 2020.
- 4. Chen Jia, Ramon Grima. Dynamic phase diagram of an auto-regulated gene in fast switching conditions. Journal of Chemical Physics 152(17):174110, 2020.
- 5. Chen Jia, Ramon Grima. Small protein number effects in autoregulated bursty gene expression. Journal of Chemical Physics 152(8):084115, 2020.
- 6. Chen Jia, Hong Qian, Min Chen, Michael Q. Zhang. Relaxation rates of gene expression kinetics reveal the feedback signs of autoregulatory gene networks. Journal of Chemical Physics 148(9):095102. 2018.
- 7. Chen Jia, Daquan Jiang, Minping Qian. Cycle symmetries and circulation fluctuations for discrete-time and continuous-time Markov chains. Annals of Applied Probability 26(4):2454-2493, 2016.
- 8. Xian Chen, Chen Jia. Mathematical foundation of nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation theorems for inhomogeneous diffusion processes with unbounded coefficients. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 130(1):171-202, 2020.
- 9. Hao Ge, Chen Jia, Daquan Jiang. Cycle symmetry, limit theorems, and fluctuation theorems for diffusion processes on the circle. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 127(6):1897-1925, 2017.
- 10. Chen Jia, Michael Q. Zhang, Hong Qian. Emergent Lévy behavior in single-cell gene expression. Physical Review E 96(4):040402(R), 2017.