Assistant Professor Shi-Jie Hu

Simulation of Physical Systems

Office Location
Room B318

BS, School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, P. R. China, 2003

PhD, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, P. R. China, 2010

Professional Employment

2020-Present    Research Assistant Professor, Beijing Computational Science Research Center

2017-2020    Senior Research Associate, TU Kaiserslautern

2016-2017    Individual Scientist, sponsored by Nachwuchsring

2014-2016    Postdoc Fellow

2012-2014    Visiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme

2010-2012    Postdoc, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Research Interests

Novel quantum critical behaviour in low dimensions

Fractional excitation of quantum spin liquid

Long-time behaviour of open driven systems

Algorithm for strongly-correlated systems, e. g. DMRG, TMRG, tensor-like etc.

Representative Publications
1.  Tao Wang, SJH*, Sebastian Eggert, Axel Pelster, and Xuefeng Zhang, Floquet-induced superfluidity with periodically modulated interactions of two-species hardcore bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice, Phys. Review Research 2, 013275 (2020).
2.  SJH*, Wei Zhu*, Sebastian Eggert, and Yinchen He*, Dirac Spin Liquid on the Spin-1/2 Triangular Heisenberg Antiferromagnet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 207203 (2019) (Editors’ suggestion)
3.  Xuefeng Zhang*, SJH*, Axel Pelster, and Sebastian Eggert, Quantum domain walls induce incommensurate supersolid phase on the anisotropic triangular lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 193201 (2016).
4.  Jize Zhao*, SJH, and Ping Zhang, Symmetry-protected topological phase in a one-dimensional correlated bosonic model with a synthetic spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 195302 (2015).
5.  SJH, Ari M Turner, Karlo Penc, and Frank Pollmann*, Berry phase induced dimerization in one-dimensional quadrupolar systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 027202 (2014).
6.  Andreas Honecker*, SJH, Robert Peters and Johannes Richter, Dynamic and thermodynamic properties of the generalized diamond chain model for azurite, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 164211 (2011).
7.  SJH, Bruce Normand, Xiaoqun Wang*, and Lu Yu, Accurate determination of the Gaussian transition in spin-1 chains with single-ion, Phys. Rev. B 84, 220402(R) (2011).7. SJH, Bruce Normand, Xiaoqun Wang*, and Lu Yu, Accurate determination of the Gaussian transition in spin-1 chains with single-ion, Phys. Rev. B 84, 220402(R) (2011).
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