Associate Professor Stefano Chesi
Simulation of Physical Systems
- Office Location
- Room A302
- Telephone
- 86-10-56981814
- stefano.chesi[at]csrc.ac.cn
- Education
2007, Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Theory, Purdue University, USA.
2002, Laurea in Fisica (M.S.), University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy.
- Professional Employment
Stefano Chesi received his Ph.D. (2007) from Purdue University. He subsequently held postdoctoral positions in the University of Basel (2007-2011) and McGill University (2011-2013). In 2013 he became Research Scientist in RIKEN, Japan. In 2014, he joined Beijing CSRC as an Assistant Professor.
- Research Interests
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Coherent spin phenomena in nanostructures
Quantum Information based on semiconductor systems
Electron correlations in the solid-state
- Awards/Honors
2011- 2012: Richard H. Tomlinson Postdoctoral Fellowships, McGill University
1997 -2001: Scholarship at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
- Representative Publications
- 1. Characterization of spin-orbit interactions of GaAs heavy holes using a quantum point contact Fabrizio Nichele, Stefano Chesi, Szymon Hennel, Angela Wittmann, Christian Gerl, Werner Wegscheider, Daniel Loss, Thomas Ihn, and Klaus Ensslin Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 046801 (2014) (Editor's Suggestion)
- 2. Anomalous spin-resolved point-contact transmission of holes due to cubic Rashba spin-orbit coupling Stefano Chesi, Gabriele F. Giuliani, L. P. Rokhinson, L. N. Pfeiffer, and K. W. West Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 236601 (2011)
- 3. Self-Correcting Quantum Memory in a Thermal Environment Stefano Chesi, Beat Röthlisberger, and Daniel Loss Phys. Rev. A 82, 022305 (2010)
- 4. Quantum Hall ferromagnetic states and spin-orbit interactions in the fractional regime Stefano Chesi and Daniel Loss Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 146803 (2008)
- 5. Polaritonic Stop-Band Transparency via Exciton-Biexciton Coupling in CuCl S. Chesi, M. Artoni, G. C. La Rocca, F. Bassani, and A. Mysyrowicz Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 057402 (2003)