Associate Professor Stefano Chesi

Simulation of Physical Systems

Office Location
Room A302

2007, Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Theory, Purdue University, USA.

2002, Laurea in Fisica (M.S.), University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy.

Professional Employment

Stefano Chesi received his Ph.D. (2007) from Purdue University. He subsequently held postdoctoral positions in the University of Basel (2007-2011) and McGill University (2011-2013). In 2013 he became Research Scientist in RIKEN, Japan. In 2014, he joined Beijing CSRC as an Assistant Professor.

Research Interests

Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Coherent spin phenomena in nanostructures

Quantum Information based on semiconductor systems

Electron correlations in the solid-state


2011- 2012: Richard H. Tomlinson Postdoctoral Fellowships, McGill University 

1997 -2001: Scholarship at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy

Representative Publications
1.  Characterization of spin-orbit interactions of GaAs heavy holes using a quantum point contact Fabrizio Nichele, Stefano Chesi, Szymon Hennel, Angela Wittmann, Christian Gerl, Werner Wegscheider, Daniel Loss, Thomas Ihn, and Klaus Ensslin Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 046801 (2014) (Editor's Suggestion)
2.  Anomalous spin-resolved point-contact transmission of holes due to cubic Rashba spin-orbit coupling Stefano Chesi, Gabriele F. Giuliani, L. P. Rokhinson, L. N. Pfeiffer, and K. W. West Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 236601 (2011)
3.  Self-Correcting Quantum Memory in a Thermal Environment Stefano Chesi, Beat Röthlisberger, and Daniel Loss Phys. Rev. A 82, 022305 (2010)
4.  Quantum Hall ferromagnetic states and spin-orbit interactions in the fractional regime Stefano Chesi and Daniel Loss Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 146803 (2008)
5.  Polaritonic Stop-Band Transparency via Exciton-Biexciton Coupling in CuCl S. Chesi, M. Artoni, G. C. La Rocca, F. Bassani, and A. Mysyrowicz Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 057402 (2003)
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