Associate Professor, Division Head Nan Zhao
Quantum Physics and Quantum Information
- Office Location
- Room B418
- Telephone
- 86-10-56981837
- nzhao[at]csrc.ac.cn
- Education
Sep. 1999 − Jul. 2003Department of Physics, Tsinghua University.Bachelor of Science.
Sep. 2003 − Jul. 2008Department of Physics, Tsinghua University.Ph.D., Condensed matter physics. Supervisor Prof. Jia-Lin Zhu.
- Professional Employment
Nan Zhao received his Ph.D. (2009) from Tsinghua University, Beijing. He worked in Professor Ren-Bao Liu’s group in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (2009.12-2011.09) and in Professor Jörg Wrachtrup’s group in Stuttgart, Germany (2011.09-2012.09), as a postdoctoral researcher . He joined Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) as an assistant professor.
- Research Interests
• Physics and applications of central spin decoherence
• Implementation of quantum information processing in solid-state systems
• Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers in diamond (theory and experiment)
• Atom-photon interaction in artificial systems
- Representative Publications
- 1. Room-temperature ultrasensitive mass spectrometer via dynamical decoupling, Zhao, N., and Yin, Z.-Q. Physical Review A 90, 042118 (2014).
- 2. Sensing single remote nuclear spins, Zhao, Nan*, Honert, Jan*, Schmid, Bernhard, Klas, Michael, Isoya, Junichi, Markham, Matthew, et. al., Nature Nanotechnology 7, 657 (2012) [* these authors contributed equally].
- 3. Decoherence and dynamical decoupling control of nitrogen vacancy center electron spins in nuclear spin baths, Zhao, Nan; Ho, Sai-Wah; Liu, Ren-Bao, Physical Review B 85, 115303 (2012).
- 4. Atomic-scale magnetometry of distant nuclear spin clusters via nitrogen-vacancy spin in diamond, Zhao, Nan, Hu, Jian-Liang, Ho, Sai-Wah, Wan, J.T.K., Liu, R.B. Nature Nanotechnology 6, 242 (2011).
- 5. Preserving electron spin coherence in solids by optimal dynamical decoupling, Du, Jiangfeng, Rong, Xing, Zhao, Nan, Wang, Ya, Yang, Jiahui, Liu, R B Nature 461, 1265 (2009).