Postdoctoral Fellow Positions at the Simulation of Physical Systems Division, CSRC


PI: Prof. Stefano Chesi (CSRC)


The Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) and the Center of Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials (CeFEMA-IST) invites applications for a joint postdoctoral position on Nonequilibrium Quantum Matter.

The successful applicant will develop a joint project with Prof. Stefano Chesi (CSRC) and Prof. Pedro Ribeiro (CeFEMA-IST) on aspects of quantum systems away from equilibrium. The research work shall be distributed between CSRC (Beijing, China) and in CeFEMA/IST (Lisbon, Portugal) for similar periods of time.

The appointment is for two years, renewable for one additional year. The starting salary is competitive and shall be adjusted based on experience. The salary for the second and third years can be increased based on performance evaluation.

Number of Position: 1 postdoctoral position is available.

Candidates are expected to hold a PhD in Physics in the areas of Condensed Matter Physics and/or Quantum Information. Experience in quantum dynamics and open quantum systems is preferable.

Applications shall include:

(a) curriculum vitae;

(b) list of publications;

(c) brief research statement (no more than one page);

Elements (a-c) should be sent to: with title CSRC-CeFEMA Postdoc Application - “Name of the Candidate”.

(d) Applicants considered further will be asked to provide at least two recommendation letters sent by the reference of the candidate directly to the email addresses above.

To receive full consideration, all applications should be submitted by December 31, 2020. However, applications will be considered after this deadline until the position is filled.

PI: Prof. Hai-Qing Lin (CSRC)
Description: Our research generally focuses on many-body systems and develops computational methodology. Currently research activities include: (1) study superconductivity and magnetism in organic superconductors; (2) study cuparates properties such as pseudogap and neutron scattering resonance; (3) study relation between quantum phase transition and entanglement; (4) explore metallic phases in hydrogen-rich materials; (5) simulate optical properties in nanostructures; (6) study cold atom systems; and (7) study multi-orbital systems.
Number of Positions: 2~3 postdoctoral positions are available.
Requirement: The candidate should have research experience in relevant fields within 5 years of PhD degree with good analytical and numerical skills. Application of Tensor Network algorithm, such as MERA  to condense matters. A working knowledge of C++ is preferred. The person is expected to be honest and hard working. Personal interview is necessary. Applications, including detailed curriculum vitae, list of publications, a brief statement of research plans, and at least two letters of recommendation, should be sent directly to

PI: Prof. Wen Yang (CSRC)
Project Title: Quantum sensing and metrology 
Project Description: Ultrasensitve sensing at the nanoscale is important to science and technology. This project will explore the applications of quantum coherence and decoherence to ultrasensitive sensing and metrology based on photons and electron/hole/nuclear spins in the solid state. A distinguishing feature of this study is the combination of quantum metrology techniques and various coherence control techniques to enhance the sensitivity.
Number of Positions: 1~2 postdoctoral positions are available.
Requirements: (1) A solid background in quantum mechanics. (2) Good training in analytical derivations or programming. (3) PhD degree in one of the following fields: theoretical condensed matter physics, quantum optics, semiconductor physics, spintronics, quantum computation. Applications, including detailed curriculum vitae, list of publications, a brief statement of research plan and at least two letters of recommendation, should be sent to:


PI: Prof. Rubem Mondaini (CSRC) & Prof. Shi-Jie Hu (CSRC)
Description: Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) invites applications for the post-doctoral associate positions on Condensed Matter Physics and Computational physics to study dynamics and new phases of interacting quantum many-body systems either in equilibrium or out-of-equilibrium. Specifically, we seek successful applicants in one of the following areas,

• Quantum dynamics after quench or driven by external forces,

• Interplay of interactions and non-trivial topology in 2D fermions,

• Thermalization in isolated fermionic systems,

• Many-body localization phenomenon in strongly correlated systems,

• Fractional excitations in spin-liquids.

Number of Positions: 2 postdoctoral positions are available. 
Requirements: The successful applicant will

1) be no more than 35 years old at the time of application and should have obtained their PhD after 2012.

2) possess either a PhD in Physics with a solid knowledge in the many-body formalism or a PhD in Software Engineering with willingness to broaden its research to Computational Physics and related applications.

3) work closely with

• Rubem Mondaini,   and

• Shi-Jie Hu,,

and collaborate with other division members.

4) have a strong background in one of the programming languages, e.g. Fortran, C, C++, Python, and numerical skills in general, with desirable experience in intensive and parallel computing.

Applicants having experiences or backgrounds in one of the following techniques,

• Quantum Monte Carlo (either DQMC, PQMC, DCA, SSE, etc),

• DMRG, TMRG or tensor-like algorithms,

• Exact Diagonalization (with and without symmetries),

• Kernel Polynomial methods,

• Software Engineering,

will be preferably considered.

Applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, a brief statement of research plan to either or, two letters of recommendation are a pre-requisite, and should be sent directly by referees. Review of applications will begin on October 1st, 2020 and continue until the positions are filled.

The Division also has several projects listed below in collaborations with CSRC Associate Members:

Number of Positions: 8 postdoctoral positions are available.

Applications, including detailed curriculum vitae, list of publications, a brief statement of research plan and two letters of recommendation, should be sent to:

List of Projects

Project I: Novel physics in two-dimensional materials

Project Description: In this project, we will study the band structures of two-dimensional (2D) materials based on the tight-binding model, kp theory and the ab initio calculation method. We will also study collective excitations (exciton, plasmon, etc) in these 2D materials, such TMDC, black phosphoros.

Project II: Numerical study of correlated electron systems

Project Description: Applications are invited for 1-2 postdoctoral positions to work with Professor Zhongbing Huang and Professor Haiqing Lin on numerical study of correlated electron systems. The candidate(s) are expected to work on one of the following topics: (1) Competing orders in the high-Tc cuprates and iron-based superconductors; (2) Effect of electron-phonon interaction on conventional superconductivity; (3) Development of quantum Monte Carlo methods.

Research experience in condensed matter theory and computational physics is required.

Project III: First-principles studies of electronic structures, electronic excitations and transport properties of nanostructured materials

Project Description: The first part of this project will study the electronic properties and plasmonic excitations of new nanostructures by performing first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT). The second part will investigate the quantum electron and phonon transport and thermoelectric properties of new nanostructures by performing first-principles calculations based on the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) method combined with the DFT.

Applicants should have computational experiences using DFT, TDDFT, or NEGF-DFT.

Project IV: Numerical methods of correlated electron systems and their applications

Project Description: In this project we mainly focus on the developments of some numerical methods, including but not limited to exact diagonalization, numerical renormalization group, density matrix renormalization group and explore their applications on the correlated electron systems and the open quantum systems out of equilibrium.

Applicants should have PhD in condensed matter theory and/or computational physics and/or statistical physics. The person is expected to be honest and hard-working.

Project V: Magnetism and superconductivity in novel electronic correlated system

Project Description: The successful candidate is expected to work closely with me and collaborate with other group members. The areas of interest include magnetism in novel nanostructures, new topological superconductors, as well as magnetic correlation and superconductivity in correlated electron systems. It is assumed that we could treat such problems with numerical methods like quantum Monte Carlo methods or some other technologies. You are welcome to have some others skills that we could work together on issues related with electronic correlated system or novel topological physics.

Applicants should have doctorate in solid-state physics, solid knowledge in many-particle formalism.

课题六: 二维材料在外加衬底、应力或电场作用下的改性。

课题说明: 二维材料在外加衬底、应力或电场作用下的改性。二维材料由于厚度很小,比较容易实现晶格构形的变化,如外加特定的衬底或定向的应力都可以使其产生形变,从而改变其物理性质。比较典型的例子如单层石墨烯可以通过周期性的涟漪打开能隙[Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 046801 (2009)],单层MoS2由于空间对称性的破缺具有很强的压电效应 [Nature Nanotech. 10, 151 (2015)],单层黑磷能隙的大小可以通过外加应力加以改变 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 176801 (2014)],等等 。另一方面,外加电场也可以对二维材料的电学性质加以调制,如双层黑磷在外加电场作用下会发生半导体到狄拉克半金属的转变 (arXiv:1512.06345 (2015))。目前我们已经建立石墨烯形变下的紧束缚参数变化机制,即根据石墨烯每个碳原子在空间的坐标位置,确定碳原子格点之间的交换能和格点上的势能。紧束缚传播方法的应用使得我们的模拟软件包可以处理很多具有形变的石墨烯构形。我们将用类似的方法去构建其他二维材料在形变下的紧束缚模型,即各个格点(轨道)的参数由格点的空间坐标所确定,然后研究各种由形变引起的超晶格结构,寻找通过衬底、应力,以及外加电场调制二维材料光电特性的新方法。


课题七: 二维材料中缺陷对其电学和光学性质的影响。

课题说明: 二维材料中缺陷对其电学和光学性质的影响。目前对于没有缺陷的多种二维材料,如单层和多层的石墨烯、过渡金属硫化物和黑磷,都有较好的紧束缚模型。但是对于各种缺陷的描述,仍缺乏有效的紧束缚参数。如过渡金属硫化物MoS2中硫原子的空位,实验显示是非常普遍的一种缺陷,但目前对于硫原子空位在紧束缚近似下的处理只是将空位格点移除,没有考虑空位本身对周边原子紧束缚参数的影响,也因此使得计算结果(如态密度)与第一性原理不能完全一致。对缺陷的精确描述需要通过对局部紧束缚参数的调整,使其能带结构与第一性原理的计算结果相吻合。在最近关于具有结构缺陷的氟化石墨烯多轨道拟合中[Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 047403 (2015)],我们已经采用了这种方法。未来将推广到更多材料的缺陷和结构中,近期将着手于建立MoS2中硫原子空位的精确模型。缺陷物理模型的正确建立对于了解缺陷对材料各种物理性质的影响至关重要,同时也为通过局部修饰来改善材料的某种性能提供了有效模拟工具。


课题八: 二维和三维分形结构中的新奇量子现象。

课题说明: 二维和三维分形结构中的新奇量子现象。随着实验技术的提高,目前已经可以在实验室制造出多种人工量子结构,如二维电子气的类石墨烯结构 [Science 332, 1176 (2011)],分子组装的分形结构 [Nature Chemistry 7, 389 (2015)]。分形结构具有递推迭代规律,有完美的自相似性,其Hausdorff维数通常不是一个整数,但是缺乏空间平移对称性。这种周期性的缺失使得对于这个体系电学和光学性质的计算变得很复杂。在我们最新的研究中(arXiv:1504.00628 (2015) ),我们运用紧束缚传播方法和KWANT模拟软件对多种二维分形量子结构的电学、光学和输运性质进行了计算,发现对某些分形结构,其电导涨落的Minkowski维度与其空间构形的Hausdorff维数一致。目前这一有趣现象的物理机制还不是很明确,需进一步系统的研究。我们还发现分形结构的本征函数大多具有多重对称性和局域性,由此推断这个结构可能会引起非常强的局域化的等离子体态。但是由于空间周期性的缺失,动量转换已经不是一个好的量子数,其电容率需要一个庞大的矩阵来描述,即每两个格点间的电容率只是其中的一个矩阵元。我们将寻找有效的方法计算出各种分形结构的电容率矩阵,进而得到其等离子体谱。另外分形结构中是否存在量子霍尔效应也是一个值得研究的课题。


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