Jun 14,2024 基于合成维度和人工规范场的拓扑物理及器件应用 A403 Meeting Room
Jun 14,2024 磁性拓扑材料非常规反常输运性质的第一性原理研究 A403 Meeting Room
Apr 25,2024 实投射平面中倒易空间和实空间中的拓扑物理 A403 Meeting Room
Apr 19,2024 基于压缩感知技术的量子系统时变动力学参数测量 A403 Meeting Room
Apr 19,2024 Estimating Many Properties of a Quantum State via Quantum Reservoir Processing A403 Meeting Room
Apr 17,2024 辅助微波场修饰增强的里德堡原子微波电场计 A403 Meeting Room
Apr 17,2024 迈向多体的悬浮光力学 A403 Meeting Room
Apr 17,2024 超导材料探索启示——炒菜、调味、搭积木与原子智造 A403 Meeting Room
Apr 07,2024 磁感应强度量值的复现和计量技术 A403 Meeting Room
Apr 02,2024 合成时域光子晶格中的等效电场调控 A403 Meeting Room
Apr 02,2024 合成维度光子规范势及其光场调控 A403 Meeting Room
Mar 28,2024 优化控制场作用下基于极性分子的量子信息处理 A403 Meeting Room
Mar 27,2024 基于非厄米原子系综的精密测量 A403 Meeting Room
Mar 26,2024 Quantum Network-Entanglement: Detection, Measures and Applications A403 Meeting Room
Mar 19,2024 合成频率维度原理以及其中的光物理现象 A403 Meeting Room
Mar 18,2024 Quantum Stochastic Resonance in a Dissipative Rydberg Gas A403 Meeting Room
Mar 15,2024 Imaginary-Temperature Zeros for Quantum Phase Transitions A403 Meeting Room
Mar 12,2024 一维量子行走中拓扑边界态的局域开关 A403 Meeting Room
Mar 11,2024 基于fine-grained不确定关系的量子导引对两体纠缠纯态的self-test的实验验证 A403 Meeting Room
Jan 26,2024 Fast Single-Shot Imaging of Individual Impurities in Cold Atomic Gas A403 Meeting Room
Nov 22,2023 Quantum Many-Body Probes A403 Meeting Room
Nov 03,2023 The Scientific and Technological Promise of Quantum Biology A403 Meeting Room
Oct 18,2023 量子互文性的测量、诠释与应用 A403 Meeting Room
Sep 11,2023 Th-229核光钟的研究进展 A403 Meeting Room
Jun 05,2023 小型化光量子磁力计与新型脑功能成像设备 A403 Meeting Room
Feb 03,2023 精准测频式锁相放大器研发的一点新进展 A403 Meeting Room
Oct 11,2022 基于NV色心系综的磁测量:应用与进展 A403 Meeting Room
Aug 24,2022 基于氮空位(NV)色心金刚石的量子传感 A403 Meeting Room
Oct 15,2021 量子随机行走的拓扑现象及应用研究 A403 Meeting Room
Aug 31,2021 Orbital Angular Momentum: Sorting, Sensing, Imaging, and Beyond Tencent Meeting
Jun 22,2021 腔光力系统中多个力学模式的协同基态冷却 Tencent Meeting
Jun 03,2021 碳基氧功能电催化材料及能源器件应用 A403 Meeting Room
May 27,2021 基于超导量子电路的混合系统研究 A403 Meeting Room
May 14,2021 原子自旋陀螺仪工作原理及应用 A403 Meeting Room
Apr 09,2021 非厄密量子原理启发的无线电能传输变革性技术 A403 Meeting Room
Jan 15,2021 基于玻色模式的量子信息处理 A403 Meeting Room
Dec 02,2020 化学自由能模型改进及其在氢同位素的宽区域物态方程研制中的应用 A403 Meeting Room
Nov 06,2020 Expansion of EYM Amplitudes in Gauge Invariant Vector Space A303 Meeting Room
Nov 18,2019 Non-Markovian Quantum Optics: Spontaneous Emission of a Giant Artificial Atom A403 Meeting Room
Nov 11,2019 具有SU(N)自旋对称性的哈伯德模型中的平带铁磁相 A403 Meeting Room
Nov 04,2019 Efficient Encoding of Matrix Product States into Quantum Circuits of One- and Two-Qubit Gates A403 Meeting Room
Oct 30,2019 Generation and Storage of Massively Entangled States in a Spin-1 BEC A303 Meeting Room
Oct 14,2019 10dB Vacuum Noise Squeezing and its Application to the Gravitational Wave Detector and On-chip Quantum Circuits A403 Meeting Room
Sep 29,2019 PT-对称量子系统的嵌入性质及模拟问题 A403 Meeting Room
Sep 19,2019 Klein Scattering, Tunnelling and Bound-states in Graphene A403 Meeting Room
Sep 17,2019 Quantum Severalty: Fast Protein Folding, Speed up versus Suppresion A403 Meeting Room
Sep 11,2019 The Complementary Information Principle of Quantum Mechanics A403 Meeting Room
Aug 30,2019 Integrated Photonics Quantum Technologies A403 Meeting Room
Aug 05,2019 When Chiral Light Meets Chiral Matter: Optical Nonreciprocity and Isolation A403 Meeting Room
Apr 08,2019 Quantum Simulation and Machine Learning in the Age of Tensor Network A403 Meeting Room
Dec 10,2018 使用弱测量方法分割量子纠缠非局域性 A403 Meeting Room
Dec 06,2018 基于玻恩-黄展开的凝聚态体系第一性原理物性模拟 A403 Meeting Room
Nov 05,2018 Simulating Unitary and Non-Unitary Quantum Dynamics (of Molecules) Using Integrated Photonics A403 Meeting Room
Jun 27,2018 微腔激子极化激元玻色爱因斯坦凝聚中关于孤子的研究 A403 Meeting Room
Jun 13,2018 High-Performance Computing, Attosecond Physics and Deep Learning A203 Meeting Room
May 18,2018 Inelastic Thermoelectricity: A New Light of an Old Field A403 Meeting Room
Jun 27,2017 Duality in Physics - the Role of Entanglement A403 Meeting Room
Jan 09,2017 Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions and Single-Photon Interaction Dynamics in Rydberg Atoms A403 Meeting Room
Dec 09,2016 Torsional Optomechanics and Quantum Simulation of An Optically Levitated Nano-Diamond A403 Meeting Room
Sep 20,2016 Quantum Mirrors A403 Meeting Room
Sep 13,2016 From Open Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Control A403 Meeting Room
Aug 22,2016 Optics in Oceanography A403 Meeting Room
Aug 09,2016 Spins as Qubits for Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulations A403 Meeting Room
Jul 26,2016 Quantum Algorithms for Topological and Geometric Analysis of Big Data A403 Meeting Room
Jul 12,2016 光通信波段的光量子技术 A403 Meeting Room
Jun 24,2016 Making the Decoy-State Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Practically Useful A403 Meeting Room
Jun 23,2016 Quantum Mechanical NMR Simulations of Whole Proteins A403 Meeting Room
Jun 15,2016 Spin Filtering: Writing Quantum Information on Mobile Qubits A403 Meeting Room
Jun 14,2016 Cavity Spintronics A403 Meeting Room
Jun 08,2016 Single-Electron Approach for Time-Dependent Transport under External Noise A403 Meeting Room
Jun 07,2016 Chebyshev Polynomial Expansions for Localization Length of Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Chains A403 Meeting Room
Jun 02,2016 Decoherence of a Moving Spin Qubit A403 Meeting Room
May 31,2016 Stochastic Simulation of Quantum Dissipative Dynamics A403 Meeting Room
May 20,2016 Diamond as an Extreme Semiconductor for Optoelectronics and MEMS A403 Meeting Room
Mar 23,2016 Complementarity and Vacuum Fields in Spontaneous and Stimulated Parametric Downconversion A403 Meeting Room
Mar 22,2016 Electromagnetic Momenta and Forces in Dispersive Dielectric Media Conference Room I
Mar 08,2016 "Polarization" without Polarization - Introducing a Hidden Territory of Optical Coherence via Classical Entanglement A403 Meeting Room
Feb 29,2016 Solutions to the Rabi Model and Its Several Variants A403 Meeting Room
Jan 20,2016 Beyond the Rayleigh Limit in Optical Lithography Conference Room I
Sep 25,2015 Integrating Cavities and Their Use in Ring-Down Spectroscopy – e.g. Ultra-Sensitive Absorption Spectroscopy of Biological Samples A403 Meeting Room
Aug 20,2015 Atomic Scale Study of Dirac Materials: Graphene and Topological Insulator (Bi2Se3) A403 Meeting Room
Aug 14,2015 Quantum Information Processing in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime A403 Meeting Room
Aug 14,2015 On the Competitions between Mechanical Work, Information, Temperature Gradient and Chemical Potentials in Stochastic Thermal Machines A203 Meeting Room
Aug 10,2015 Quantum Phase Space in Physics and Engineering A403 Meeting Room
Jul 31,2015 Three Forward PDE Problems with Urgent Need of Data Assimilation Conference Room I
Jul 17,2015 基础研究的乐趣 Conference Room I
Apr 16,2015 Hybrid-Drive Work-Dominated Hotspot Ignition Scheme for Inertial Confinement Fusion Conference Room I
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