International (CECAM) Workshop on Excited States and Dynamics in Condensed Phases
Active Matter: Interfaces and Boundaries
8th Conference on Numerical Methods for Fractional-derivative Problems
7th Conference on Numerical Methods for Fractional-derivative Problems
Workshop on Modeling & Simulations for Complex System
6th Conference on Numerical Methods for Fractional-derivative Problems
5th Conference on Numerical Methods for Fractional-derivative Problems
Workshop and Summer School on Kinetic Theory and Related Applications
2021 International Workshop on Frontiers of Theoretical and Computational Physics and Chemistry
2020 International Workshop on Frontiers of Theoretical and Computational Physics and Chemistry
CSRC-ICTP Joint Workshop on Big Data, Machine Learning and Complexity Research
4th Conference on Numerical Methods for Fractional-derivative Problems
Kinetic Theory in CFD and Other Applications
1st International Workshop on Frontiers in Biomechanics and Bio-Inspired Robotics
International Conference on Eigenvalue Problems and Related Topics
International CECAM-Workshop on Real-time quantum dynamics in photo-stimulated processes:experiment and theory
Mini-Workshop on Harnessing Color Entanglement for Information and Communication Technology
Workshop on Modelling,Algorithm and Analysis on Complex Fluid Dynamics
The 7th International Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Physics and Quantum Information: The workshop on topology and dynamics in non-Hermitian systems
CSRC Summer School on Quantum Non-Equilibrium Phenomena: Methods and Applications
Spectrum Day
Forum on Numerical Methods for Computing Interfacial Phenomena
3rd Workshop on Numerical Methods for Fractional-derivative Problems
The 6th International Conference of Quantum Physics and Quantum Information (QPQI): high-precision measurement based on atomic systems
Quantum Coherence in Energy Transfer and Conversion
CSRC Academic Annual Meeting (2017-2018)
Mini-workshop on Structure and Instability of Amorphous Materials
CSRC-HKUST Joint Workshop
2nd Workshop on Numerical Methods for Fractional-derivative Problems: Singularities and Fast Algorithms
International Workshop On Image Processing and Inverse Problems
Workshop on the Rabi Model, Strong Light-Matter Interactions and Other Quantum Phenomena in CQED Platforms
CSRC Workshop on Computational Approach to Correlated Systems
CSRC Symposium on Active Matter and Related Topics
Workshop on recent development of perovskite solar cells
CSRC Workshop on DNA Chromosome Structure and Dynamics
CSRC Summer School on Applied Inverse Problems
Workshop on Numerical Methods for Fractional-derivative Problems: Singularities and Fast Algorithms
The 5th International Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Physics and Quantum Information
Focus Activity on Mathematical and Computational methods for Quantum and Kinetic Problems
Algorithms Workshop on Recent Numerical Methods for PDEs and Variational Inequalities
CSRC Colloquium on Science Frontiers and Forum on Computational Science at the Extreme Scale
International CECAM-Workshop & Tutorial on Approximate Quantum Methods in the ab initio World
International Workshop on Spin Coherence and Topological Order in Semiconductor Nanosystems
The 6th Workshop on Quantum Many-Body Computation
International Workshop on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Scientific Computing
Algorithms Forum (3) : on Finite Element Methods for DFT
Forum on Modeling of Nonequilibrium Phenomena
Workshop on Recent Progress in Theoretical and Computational Studies of 2D Materials
BAIL 2016 : International Conference on Boundary And Interior Layers -- Computational and Asymptotic Methods
CSRC Workshop on LAMMPS for Non-equilibrium System
The 4th International Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information: Optomechanics meets circuit QED
CSRC Academic Annual Meeting (2014-2015)
Workshop on Kinetics of Enzymes and Molecular Machines
Algorithms Forum (2): DFT methods
Algorithms Forum (1)
Int. Conf. on Algorithms and Applications for Excited State Electronic Structure Theories
The 3rd International Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
International Symposium on Material Design & the 10th USPEX Workshop
ITP-CSRC Forum on Physics Approach to Biocomplexity: the Expanding Horizon
The 2nd International Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information:Celebration of the International Year of Light
The 8th International Conference on Computational Nanoscience and New Energy Materials (CNNEM 2015)
如何写好科学论文 Speaker:Prof. Evan Ma
【百旺科学论坛】第七期 | 太赫兹生物物理研究进展 Speaker:Prof. Guo-Zhi Liu
【百旺科学论坛】第六期 | 科技革命与学科交叉 Speaker:Prof. Chao Tang
【百旺科学论坛】第五期丨Pattern dynamics and spatiotemporal chaos Speaker:Prof. Xian-Tu He
【百旺科学论坛】第四期 | 学习物理,研究物理,应用物理 Speaker:Prof. Mo-Lin Ge
【百旺科学论坛】第三期 | 高压下物质科研的蝶变 Speaker:Prof. Ho-Kwang Mao
从水蚀到烧蚀:鹅卵石和陨石的关联 Speaker:Prof. Jun Zhang
【百旺科学论坛】第一期 | High-Tc superconductivity by metallizing the sigma-bonding electrons Speaker:Prof. Tao Xiang
【百旺科学论坛】第二期 | 认识我们的宇宙 Speaker:Prof. Xiang-Ping Wu
Plasmonic Nanostructures: Artificial Molecules Speaker:Prof. Peter Nordlander
Random Batch Methods (RBM) for Interacting Particle Systems Speaker:Prof. Shi Jin
Charges, Charge Regulations and Charge Fluctuations Speaker:Prof. Rudolf Podgornik
Theory of Superconductivity for All Superconductors Speaker:Prof. Jorge E. Hirsch
Three Challenges for Theory and Computation Speaker:Prof. Wilson Ho
Multiphase Fluid Flow at the Micron Scale Speaker:Prof. David A. Weitz
Large-Scale Computational Modeling in Neural Science Speaker:Prof. David W. McLaughlin
Collapse Models Speaker:Prof. Stephen L. Adler
Emergence of the Classical World from Quantum Mechanics: Schrödinger Cats, Entanglement, and Decoherence Speaker:Prof. Luiz Davidovich
Perforations, Curvature and Thermal Fluctuations in Free-Standing Graphene Speaker:Prof. David R. Nelson
Bioinspired Molecular Electronics, Corrosion, and Water Splitting at Wayne State University Speaker:Prof. Claudio Verani
Simulating, Emulating, Anticipating Condensed Matter Experiments: A Theorist's Dream Speaker:Prof. Erio Tosatti
Basic Features of Virtual Element Methods Speaker:Prof. Franco Brezzi
纳米量子结构的构筑及其物性调控 Speaker:Prof. Hong-Jun Gao
Mechanical Non-equilibrium Condensed Matter Physics: Nanofriction Speaker:Prof. Erio Tosatti
A Glimpse of Vision in Our Brain: from a Cortical Network to Visual Attention Speaker:Prof. Zhao-Ping Li
Quantum Crystals, Quantum Computing and Quantum Cognition Speaker:Prof. Matthew Fisher
Molecular Dynamics Simulations from the Perspective of Biology Speaker:Prof. John Kuriyan
THE PHOTON CONCEPT: From Planck to Bose, Einstein to Yang and Mo-Zhi to Pan Speaker:Prof. Marlan Scully
时间方向的离散与自适应 Speaker:Prof. Tao Tang
Electodynamics Simulations of Topological Insulators and Materials Design for Hydrogen Storage Speaker:Prof. Jisoon Ihm
Phages versus Bacteria: Competition, Diversity and Immunity Speaker:Prof. Kim Sneppen
Fast Spectral Methods: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications Speaker:Prof. Jie Shen
Electromagnetic Momenta and Forces in Dispersive Dielectric Media Speaker:Prof. Peter Milonni
Inverse Problems: Analysis, Computation, and Applications Speaker:Prof. Gang Bao
Beyond the Rayleigh Limit in Optical Lithography Speaker:Prof. M. Suhail Zubairy
Predictive Modeling in 2D Materials: Morphology, Defects, Synthesis Speaker:Prof. Boris Yakobson
Computational Methods for Deforming Boundary Problems Speaker:Professor Mark Sussman
Sparsifying Preconditioners Speaker:Professor Le-Xing Ying
The Fast Multipole Method Speaker:Professor Le-Xing Ying
Three Forward PDE Problems with Urgent Need of Data Assimilation Speaker:Professor Peter Alexander Markowich
基础研究的乐趣 Speaker:Prof. Jia-Ming Li
Graph, Cuts and PDE Minimization for Image Processing Speaker:Prof. Xue-Cheng Tai
What is Active Matter and Why Does It Matter? Speaker:Prof. Sriram Ramaswamy
Fractional Perspectives of DFT and Exchange-Correlation Energies/Electronic Excitation Energies from Pairing Matrix Fluctuations Speaker:Prof. Wei-Tao Yang
Hybrid-Drive Work-Dominated Hotspot Ignition Scheme for Inertial Confinement Fusion Speaker:Prof. Xian-Tu He
The Integrity in Scientific Research Speaker:Prof. Bang-Fen Zhu
Surface states, S-B correspondence and entanglement spectrum Speaker:Prof. Rui-Bao Tao
有限方腔内FENE-P粘弹性流体电热对流的流动状态及热传递 Speaker:Prof. Xin-Hui Si
Obtain Einstein Equation from CFT_2 and Realize ER=EPR Speaker:Prof. Hai-Tang Yang
Unique Solvability and Convergence Analysis of the Lagrange Multiplier Approach for Gradient Flows Speaker:Prof. Cheng Wang
Multi-loop and Multi-leg: Analytic Computation of 2loop 6point and 3loop 5point Feynman Integrals Speaker:Prof. Yang Zhang
特征修正预条件算法框架与智能解法器探讨 Speaker:Prof. Xiao-Wen Xu
基于电子关联的电极材料催化性能调控 Speaker:Prof. Zhen-Peng Hu
Non-Abelian Nodal Structures and Dissipation-Protected Chern Bands in Photonic Systems Speaker:Dr. Kang Yang
From Non-Bloch Bands to Open Quantum Many-Body Systems: Insights Brought by Hermitization Speaker:Dr. Fei Song
反铁磁奈尔矢量探测 Speaker:Prof. Hong-Jian Zhao
Ab Initio Deep Neural Network Simulations of Carbonic Acid Dissociation and Proton Transfer Dynamics Speaker:A/Prof. Zhao-Ru Sun
机器学习量子蒙特卡洛计算 Speaker:A/Prof. Ji Chen
Nonequilibrium Electron-Phonon Dynamics: Dynamical Control of Quantum Matter Speaker:A/Prof. Ya-Xian Wang
From Scattering Amplitudes to Gravitational Wave Physics Speaker:Dr. Fei Teng
Methodical Problems in Calculating Surfaces, Layers and Charged Defects in Semiconductors Speaker:Prof. Peter Deák
Direct Laser Excitation of the Th-229 Nucleus Towards a Nuclear Clcok Speaker:Dr. Ke Zhang
Quantum Uncertainty Principles for Measurements with Interventions Speaker:Prof. Yun-Long Xiao
Bridging MBE and DFT for Studying Superconducting Films and Interfaces Speaker:Prof. Feng-Miao Li
熵、热力学第二定律及中心极限定理 Speaker:Prof. Xiang-Dong Li
非厄米性可以提高参数估计精度? Speaker:Prof. Xue-Xi Yi
Residue Imaginary Velocity May Induce Many-Body Delocalization Speaker:A/Prof. Yi Zhang
DNN for PDEs: Residual-Informed Neural Networks and Non-Uniform Random Walk for Adaptive Sampling Speaker:Prof. Dan Hu
算法与算力驱动的第一性原理材料模拟 Speaker:Prof. Wei Hu
Photoluminescence Modulation of 2D Semiconductors by Plasmonic Metal Nanostructures Speaker:Prof. Lei Shao
First-Principles Study of Excitons and Their Dynamics in 2D Materials Speaker:A/Prof. Xu Zhang
典型温稠密物质状态方程的第一性原理研究 Speaker:Dr. Chang Gao
Quantumness of Energy-Storing Quantum Systems Speaker:Prof. Ming-Xing Luo
Universal Features of Quantum Dissipative Dynamics Speaker:Prof. Pedro Ribeiro
A Survey of Limit Theorems of the Tagged Particle in the SSEP Speaker:A/Prof. Xiao-Feng Xue
A Reduced Order Model Enhanced Iterative Solver for Parametric Radiative Transfer Equation Speaker:A/Prof. Zhi-Chao Peng
基于合成维度和人工规范场的拓扑物理及器件应用 Speaker:Prof. Cui-Cui Lu
磁性拓扑材料非常规反常输运性质的第一性原理研究 Speaker:Prof. Wan-Xiang Feng
High Order Finite Volume Method for Solving Compressible Multicomponent Flows Speaker:Prof. Jian-Xian Qiu
Symmetric Deformation and Finite Entanglement Scaling Speaker:Dr. Rui-Zhen Huang
激光惯性约束聚变混合驱动点火物理 Speaker:A/Prof. Ji-Wei Li
实投射平面中倒易空间和实空间中的拓扑物理 Speaker:Prof. Ce Shang
光抽运小铯钟技术研究进展 Speaker:Dr. Xuan He
辅助微波场修饰增强的里德堡原子微波电场计 Speaker:A/Prof. Feng-Dong Jia
基于压缩感知技术的量子系统时变动力学参数测量 Speaker:A/Prof. Da-Zhi Xu
Estimating Many Properties of a Quantum State via Quantum Reservoir Processing Speaker:A/Prof. Jiang-Wei Shang
迈向多体的悬浮光力学 Speaker:Prof. Zhang-Qi Yin
超导材料探索启示——炒菜、调味、搭积木与原子智造 Speaker:Prof. Hui-Qian Luo
Entropic Propagation of Chaos for 2D Viscous Vortex Model Speaker:Prof. Zhen-Fu Wang
Global-in-time Stability of the Non-negativity Property in the Spatially Homogeneous Landau Equation with Soft Potentials Speaker:Prof. Ling-Bing He
磁感应强度量值的复现和计量技术 Speaker:A/Prof. Ji-Qing Fu
The AI Mathematician Speaker:Prof. Yang-Hui He
合成维度光子规范势及其光场调控 Speaker:A/Prof. Cheng-Zhi Qin
合成时域光子晶格中的等效电场调控 Speaker:Dr. Shu-Lin Wang
优化控制场作用下基于极性分子的量子信息处理 Speaker:Prof. Jin-Ming Liu
基于非厄米原子系综的精密测量 Speaker:A/Prof. Yong-Chun Liu
Quantum Network-Entanglement: Detection, Measures and Applications Speaker:Dr. Zhen-Peng Xu
合成频率维度原理以及其中的光物理现象 Speaker:A/Prof. Lu-Qi Yuan
Quantum Stochastic Resonance in a Dissipative Rydberg Gas Speaker:Prof. Yi Wei
Imaginary-Temperature Zeros for Quantum Phase Transitions Speaker: A/Prof. Li Chen
一维量子行走中拓扑边界态的局域开关 Speaker:Prof. Xiang Zhan
基于fine-grained不确定关系的量子导引对两体纠缠纯态的self-test的实验验证 Speaker:A/Prof. Zhi-Hao Bian
Fast Single-Shot Imaging of Individual Impurities in Cold Atomic Gas Speaker:Dr. Jin-Jin Du
玻璃低频过剩模式态密度研究 Speaker:Prof. Li-Jin Wang
正反馈与双稳态 Speaker:Prof. Hong Qi
光学连续介质的几何理论 Speaker:Prof. Yong-Liang Zhang
On the Convergence of Discontinuous Galerkin/Hermite Spectral Methods for the Vlasov-Poisson System Speaker:Prof. Francis Filbet
Weakly Non-Linear Shallow Water Equations Over Periodic Bathymetry Speaker:Prof. Giovanni Russo
从原子尺度理解水、溶液以及固液界面: 机器学习驱动的第一性原理分子动力学模拟 Speaker:Dr. Chun-Yi Zhang
Fractal Quantum Matters Speaker:Prof. Zi Cai
时序关联表征方法的应用 Speaker:A/Prof. Ping Wang
纳米多孔金属间化合物水分解电催化材料 Speaker:Prof. Xing-You Lang
Stable and Metastable Non-equilibrium Hyperuniform Fluids Speaker:A/Prof. Ran Ni
基于下一代人工智能的非晶固体结构特征研究 Speaker:Prof. Wen Zheng
Quantum Many-Body Probes Speaker:Prof. Abolfazl Bayat
The Scientific and Technological Promise of Quantum Biology Speaker:A/Prof. Iannis Kominis
Modeling Complex Materials with Chemical Bond Hierarchy: A Machine-Learning Interatomic Potential Approach Speaker:Prof. Wen-Qing Zhang
量子互文性的测量、诠释与应用 Speaker:Prof. Xiang Zhan
界面不稳定性及其湍流混合研究进展 Speaker:Prof. You-Sheng Zhang
高能量密度下Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性尖钉和气泡混合宽度的非线性演化研究 Speaker:A/Prof. Jing-Yuan Fu
源于非晶合金的新型非晶材料 Speaker:A/Prof. Na Chen
非晶固体的负载不稳定性 Speaker:Prof. Ning Xu
Dynamical Analysis of The Infectious Disease Based on Scale-Free Networks and Higher-Order Networks Speaker:Prof. Mao-Xing Liu
Recent Progress of the Full-Potential Linearized Augmented Plane-Wave (FLAPW) Method Speaker:Prof. Stefan Blügel
高能量密度下的流体不稳定性研究 Speaker:张桦森 研究员
Th-229核光钟的研究进展 Speaker:Dr. Ke Zhang
Modeling and Simulation of the Inflation of Supersonic Parachutes for Mars Landing Speaker:A/Prof. Zheng-Yu Huang
社会传播现象的动力学研究简介 Speaker:Dr. Zi-Xiang Yan
Atomic-Scale Analysis and Dynamic Observation of 2D Layered Materials Speaker:Prof. Zhong-Chang Wang
二维材料中的能量上转化及应用 Speaker:A/Prof. Qi-Xing Wang
Supervised Optimal Transport Speaker:A/Prof. Yan-Xiang Zhao
极端条件下三维多物理多介质数值模拟的若干问题研究 Speaker:陈艺冰 研究员
Novel Simulation Methods in Quantum Dynamics and Femtosecond Spectroscopy Speaker:Prof. Maxim F. Gelin
Current-Driven Magnetic Resistance in Van der Waals Spin-Filter Antiferromagnetic Tunnel Junctions Speaker:Dr. Li-Shu Zhang
Tuning Order in Disorder: From Metallic Glasses to High-Entropy Alloys Speaker:Prof. Jun Ding
张量神经网络及其应用 Speaker:Prof. He-Hu Xie
A Thermodynamically Consistent Phase-Field Model and an Energy-Law Preserving Finite Element Scheme for Vesicles Motions and Interaction Speaker:Prof. Lin Ping
Control of Chirality, Spin, and Orbital in Chiral Molecular Devices Speaker:Dr. Tian-Han Liu
High-Order Accurate Entropy Stable Adaptive Moving Mesh Methods Speaker:Dr. Jun-Ming Duan
An Adaptive HDG Method for the Pointwise Tracking Optimal Control Problem of Elliptic Equations Speaker:Prof. Yan-Ping Chen
Structure-Preserving Numerical Methods for Plasma Simulations Speaker:Prof. Zhen-Li Xu
Heterogeneity, Plasticity, Entropy, and Waddington Landscape Speaker:Prof. Jin-Zhi Lei
物理融合深度神经网络及其在计算光学成像中的应用 Speaker:Prof. Guohai SITU
小型化光量子磁力计与新型脑功能成像设备 Speaker:Dr. Yi-Nan Hu
Emergent Phenomena in Complex Oxide Thin Films Speaker:A/Prof. Hang-Hui Chen
Hidden Modes in Bulk Photovoltaic Effect Speaker:Prof. Jian Zhou
基因调控网络建模 Speaker:Prof. Yong Wang
Wiley科学期刊论文写作与发表 Speaker:Dr. Huan Wang
玻璃化和非平衡结晶过程的密切联系 Speaker:Prof. Peng Tan
基于磁势变量三维磁流体力学数值方法研究 Speaker:Prof. Shipeng Mao
scEMAIL: Universal and Source-free Annotation Method for scRNA-seq Data with Novel Cell-type Perception Speaker:Prof. Minghua Deng
The effect of diffusion on the dynamics of a predator-prey chemostat model Speaker:Prof. Hua Nie
Do we need decay-preserving error estimate for solving parabolic equations with the initial singularity? Speaker:Prof. Jiwei Zhang
高精度线性化算法:构造、分析和应用 Speaker:Prof. Dongfang Li
精准测频式锁相放大器研发的一点新进展 Speaker:Dr. Jun Lu
探测并调控二维材料中缺陷诱导的新奇量子物态 Speaker:A/Prof. Yu Zhang
新冠病毒传播的动力学模型研究及其应用 Speaker:A/Prof. Changjing Zhuge
Toward a New Mathematical Foundation of Statistical Thermodynamics Speaker:Prof. Hong Qian
Optimized Exchange Functionals for Defect Calculations Speaker:Prof. Peter Deák
Asymptotic-Preserving Neural Networks for Multiscale Time-Dependent Linear Transport Equations Speaker:A/Prof. Zheng Ma
Spin Excitation Spectra of Anisotropic Spin-1/2 Triangular Lattice Heisenberg Antiferromagnets Speaker:A/Prof. Hai-Jun Liao
Current developments of two important numerical methodologies for general inverse problems Speaker:Prof. Jun Zou
Numerical analysis of diffusion coefficient identification for elliptic and parabolic systems Speaker:Prof. Bangti Jin
A robust method for designing multistable systems by embedding bistable subsystems Speaker:Prof. Tianhai Tian
Bridging Traditional and Machine Learning-Based Algorithms for Solving PDEs: The Random Feature Method Speaker:Prof. Jingrun Chen
基于单细胞数据探究细胞命运抉择机制 Speaker:A/Prof. Yuan Zhu
Efficient and Parallel Solution of High-order Continuous Time Galerkin for Dissipative and Wave Propagation Problems Speaker:A/Prof. Yong Liu
An Efficient Numerical Method for RTD Simulation Speaker:A/Prof. Wen-Qi Yao
Variational inference with intractable likelihoods Speaker:Prof. Zhi-Jian He
基于NV色心系综的磁测量:应用与进展 Speaker:Dr. Chen Zhang
Invariant-preserving difference schemes for the rotation-two-component Camassa-Holm system Speaker:A/Prof. Qifeng Zhang
Dynamical Analysis of Disease Evolution Models Speaker:Prof. Wendi Wang
A robust discontinuous Galerkin scheme on anisotropic meshes Speaker:A/Prof. Takuya TSUCHIYA
通过异质晶格应力场设计多功能高熵合金 Speaker:Prof. Yong Yang
浅谈虚拟与增强现实在工业4.0中的应用 Speaker:Prof. Feng-Wei Yang
A conservative and entropic scheme for the Boltzmann equation Speaker:A/Prof. Zhen-Ning Cai
A non-gradient method for solving partial differential equations with deep neural networks Speaker:Prof. Dan Hu
光滑粒子法SPH及其在固体入水中的应用 Speaker:A/Prof. Xiu-Feng Yang
有限体积元法的文献历史简介及四面体二次元有限体积法的构造和分析 Speaker:Prof. Yonghai Li
On spectral Petrov-Galerkin method for solving optimal control problem governed by fractional diffusion equations with fractional noise Speaker:Prof. Wanrong Cao
基于氮空位(NV)色心金刚石的量子传感 Speaker:Dr. Hui-Jie Zheng
A monotone discretization for integral fractional Laplacian on bounded Lipschitz domains: pointwise error estimates under H\"{o}lder regularity Speaker:A/Prof. Shuonan Wu
A BDF2 decoupled numerical scheme for resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations Speaker:Prof. Cheng Wang
非晶合金的高通量与数据驱动式研发 Speaker:A/Prof. Ming-Xing Li
无序体系拓扑结构与物性关联 Speaker:A/Prof. Zhen-Wei Wu
数据与机理融合的可计算建模与高性能计算 Speaker:Prof. Zhijian Yang
Radiation tolerance of metallic materials strengthened by superlattice nanoprecipitates Speaker:Prof. Sui-He Jiang
CCUS(碳捕集、利用与封存)技术现状、进展、挑战及前景 Speaker:Prof. Zhangxing Chen
特征值的形状最优化问题的计算机辅助数学证明方法 Speaker:A/Prof. Xuefeng Liu
Nonlinear, stochastic effects and nonequilibrium in yeast cell-cycle process 酵母菌细胞周期过程中的非线性、随机性和非平衡稳态 Speaker:A/Prof. Fangting Li
Generators and Feynmann-Kac operators for the time-changed strong Markov processes Speaker:Prof. Weihua Deng
多元高熵合金催化剂 Speaker:Prof. Yong-Gang Yao
Nucleation of Quasicrystals Speaker:A/Prof. Lei Zhang
A temporal second-order scheme for time fractional mixed diffusion and wave equation with an initial singularity Speaker:Dr. Rui-lian Du
多元高熵非晶加工成形技术 Speaker:Prof. Yong Zhang
Modeling the role of macrophages in HIV persistence during antiretroviral therapy Speaker:Prof. Zhi-Peng Qiu
神经元网络连接结构的重构 Speaker:Prof. Douglas Zhou
Local chemical order starting from chemical short-range order in high/medium entropy alloys Speaker:Prof. E. Ma
A preconditioning technique for an all-at-once system from Volterra subdiffusion equations with graded time steps Speaker:A/Prof. Yong-Liang Zhao
流动噪声四极子声源的频域修正模型 Speaker:Prof. Shi-Zhao Wang
On the local discontinuous Galerkin method for singularly perturbed problems Speaker:A/Prof. Yao Cheng
稳态非晶合金中局域类晶体序 Speaker:A/Prof. Zhen Lu
数据+机器学习:探索非晶结构性能关联的新范式 Speaker:A/Prof. Qi Wang
特征值计算中的几何网格因式分解算法 Speaker:Prof. Jia-Chang Sun
An efficient unconditionally stable method for Dirichlet partitions in arbitrary domains Speaker:Prof. Dong Wang
Finite element analysis and simulation for wave propagation in the Cole-Cole medium Speaker:Prof. Jichun Li
Sampling methods in acoustic and electromagnetic waveguides Speaker:A/Prof. Shi-Xu Meng
Data completion algorithms and their applications in inverse acoustic scattering with limited-aperture backscattering data Speaker:A/Prof. Xiao-Dong Liu
Positivity/bound preserving schemes for complex nonlinear systems Speaker:Prof. Jie Shen
Inverse scattering for a random source/potential Speaker:A/Prof. Jian-Liang Li
Direct and inverse elastic scattering by unbounded rough surfaces Speaker:A/Prof. Hai-Wen Zhang
Mathematical theory and numerical methods for several kinds of scattering by complex obstacles Speaker:Prof. Feng-Long Qu
Landscape and flux in gene networks Speaker:A/Prof. Chun-He Li
A Spectrally Accurate Numerical Method For Computing The Bogoliubov-De Gennes Excitations Of Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates Speaker:Prof. Yong Zhang
Fast convolution quadrature for the fractional operators Speaker:Prof. Fan-Hai Zeng
Reconstruction of nonlinear dynamics from noisy time series Speaker:Prof. Yue-Heng Lan
随机动力学、大偏差理论和非平衡态热力学 Speaker:A/Prof. Liu Hong
Normalizing field flow: solving forward and inverse stochastic differential equations using physics-informed flow model Speaker:A/Prof. Tao Zhou
Characteristic-featured troubled-cell indicator for Conservation Laws based on Artificial Neural Network Speaker:Prof. Tie-Gang Liu
三维基因组结构和基因表达的理论建模与机制 Speaker:Prof. Jia-Jun Zhang
Approximating gene transcription dynamics using steady-state formulas Speaker:A/Prof. Feng Jiao
量子随机行走的拓扑现象及应用研究 Speaker:A/Prof. Tian Chen
Nonabelian Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Ferroelectrics Speaker:Prof. You-Quan Li
The energy technique for BDF methods Speaker:Prof. Georgios Akrivis
基于广义重心坐标的有限元离散 Speaker:Prof. Yan-Qiu Wang
能源材料中的激发态载流子动力学 Speaker:Dr. Weibin Chu
铀铌合金氢蚀的动力学蒙特卡罗模拟研究 Speaker:A/Prof. Yu YANG
Stabilized Hybrid Mixed Element Method for Poroelasticity Speaker:Prof. Hong-Xing Rui
Insights into frustrated magnets via first-principles hyperfine coupling calculation Speaker:Prof. Zheng Liu
Orbital Angular Momentum: Sorting, Sensing, Imaging, and Beyond Speaker:Prof. Li-Xiang Chen
The gPAV method for devising efficient and stable schemes for multi-phase flow systems Speaker:A/Prof. Zhiguo Yang
Quantum simulation in NISQ era Speaker:Prof. Abolfazl Bayat
单个神经元与神经元网络的建模 Speaker:Prof. Douglas Zhou
腔光力系统中多个力学模式的协同基态冷却 Speaker:Prof. Jie-Qiao Liao
An energy-stable parametric finite element method for anisotropic surface diffusion Speaker:Mr. Yi-Fei Li
碳基氧功能电催化材料及能源器件应用 Speaker:Prof. Zhong-Qing Jiang
On Geometries of Finitary Random Interlacements Speaker:A/Prof. Yuan Zhang
A posteriori error analysis for discontinuous Galerkin methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshes Speaker:Dr. Zhao-Nan Dong
扩展子空间算法及其应用 Speaker:Prof. He-Hu Xie
深度学习的数学理解 Speaker:Prof. Shi-Hua Zhang
基于超导量子电路的混合系统研究 Speaker:Zhi-Hui Peng
Structure-preserving, energy stable numerical schemes for a liquid thin film coarsening model Speaker:Prof. Cheng Wang
Monte Carlo Simulations of SDE Competition Models Speaker:Prof. Fengying Wei
Schrödinger方程的深度学习方法 Speaker:A/Prof. Qi-Long Zhai
原子自旋陀螺仪工作原理及应用 Speaker:A/Prof. Meng Shi
Voltage Responses to the Channel Noise: The Power Spectrum Speaker:A/Prof. Jiazeng Wang
Fully Nonlinear Second Order PDEs and Their Numerical Solutions Speaker:Prof. Xiaobing Feng
Robust Modeling In Image Processing Speaker:A/Prof. Cheng-Long Bao
太赫兹基础科学研究——从电声子相互作用谈起 Speaker:Prof. Zhou Li
A Nitsche type Multiscale Method with Non-matching Grids Speaker:Prof. Ping-Bing Ming
On a discrete embedding inequality for two types of fourth order elliptic equations (Biharmonic and Quad-Curl) Speaker:Dr. Weifeng Qiu
Modeling and Simulation for Dislocation Climb Speaker:Prof. Yang Xiang
基因表达调控系统的建模与分析 Speaker:Prof. Tian-Shou Zhou
Deciphering Embryonic Morphogenesis with a Data-driven Phase Field Model Speaker:A/Prof. Lei Zhang
基于深度学习的单细胞聚类与标注 Speaker:Prof. Ming-Hua Deng
Steady and unsteady flexural shell models and numerical computation Speaker:Prof. Xiao-Qin Shen
Discontinuous Galerkin method for a distributed optimal control problem of time fractional diffusion equation Speaker:Prof. Xiaoping Xie
工程应用中的几个计算数学小问题 Speaker:Dr. Yu-Wei Fan
图像识别在神经外科领域的应用 Speaker:Dr. Cong-Xin Dai
视神经损伤临床科普 Speaker:Dr. Bo-Wen Sun
金属纳米腔增强单分子共振拉曼散射的非线性效应 Speaker:Dr. Yuan Zhang
Inverse scattering with multi-frequency sparse data Speaker:Prof. Xia Ji
感知地磁迁徙导航的新机制 Speaker:Prof. You-Quan Li
等离子体物理中数学问题及其数值求解 Speaker:Prof. Li-Quan Mei
Towards macroscopic liquid-crystal theory for general rigid molecules Speaker:A/Prof. Jie Xu
Accelerated Exponential Euler Scheme for Stochastic Heat Equation: Convergence Rate of Densities Speaker:A/Prof. Chuchu Chen
温/热稠密物质状态方程和输运性质的第一性原理研究 Speaker:A/Prof. Shen Zhang
温稠密氢对电子阻止本领的电子力场方法模拟研究 Speaker:A/Prof. Hao Liu
Numerical Methods and Analysis for Landau-Lifshitz equation Speaker:Prof. Weiwei Sun
非厄密量子原理启发的无线电能传输变革性技术 Speaker:Prof. Hong Chen
Complete monotonicity-preserving numerical methods for time fractional ODEs Speaker:Prof. Dong-Ling Wang
Asymptotic-preserving IMEX-DG methods for a linear kinetic transport model: different reformulations and IMEX strategies Speaker:Prof. Feng-Yan Li
数值积分与有限元计算 Speaker:Prof. Lin-Bo Zhang
相位恢复: 理论、模型与算法 Speaker:Prof. Zhi-Qiang Xu
Numerical Methods for Parabolic Optimal Control Problem Speaker:Prof. Zhi-Yue Zhang
Prediction of Molecular Binding/Unbidning with Impilcit Solvent: Geometrical Flow, Transition Paths, and Brownian Dynamics Speaker:Prof. Bo Li
Higher order accurate bounds preserving time-implicit discretizations for the nonlinear time-dependent equations Speaker:Prof. Yan Xu
统一气体动理学格式的发展和展望 Speaker:Prof. Kun Xu
Some numerical schemes for the Stokes-Darcy and the Cahn-Hilliard-Stokes-Darcy system Speaker:Prof. Wen-Bin Chen
基于玻色模式的量子信息处理 Speaker:A/Prof. Lu-Yan Sun
A preliminary study of the theoretic analysis of the spectral volume method for hyperbolic equations Speaker:Prof. Qing-Song Zou
A bounded numerical solution with a small mesh size implies existence of a smooth solution to the Navier–Stokes equations Speaker:A/Prof. Bu-Yang Li
Optimal rate convergence analysis and error estimate of a finite difference scheme for the Ericksen-Leslie system with the penalty function Speaker:Prof. Cheng Wang
A Truly Exact Perfect Absorbing Layer for Time-Harmonic Wave Scattering Problems Speaker:Prof. Li-Lian Wang
Probing Many-Body Physics with Superconducting Qubits Speaker:Qiu-Jiang Guo
Pressure Robust Scheme for Incompressible Flow Speaker:A/Prof. Lin Mu
Approximation based on orthogonal polynomials and their roots Speaker:Prof. Shu-Huang Xiang
Modeling the interatomic potential by deep learning Speaker:A/Prof. Han Wang
哈密尔顿系统一类带自由参数的高阶保结构算法 Speaker:Prof. Yu-Shun Wang
Computational Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space Speaker:A/Prof. Si-Hong Shao
On solving elliptic interface problems with fourth order accuracy and FFT efficiency Speaker:Prof. Shan Zhao
On the method of complex Langevin Speaker:A/Prof. Zhenning Cai
A new stability and convergence proof of the Fourier-Galerkin spectral method for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation Speaker:Prof. Jingwei Hu
Asymptotic analysis of the focusing NLS equation and focusing KE equation Speaker:Prof. Deng-Shan Wang
Biological Image Analysis: Algorithm, Modeling and Simulation Speaker:A/Prof. Yu-Cheng Hu
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for delay differential equations Speaker:Prof. Qiu-Mei Huang
化学自由能模型改进及其在氢同位素的宽区域物态方程研制中的应用 Speaker:A/Prof. Qiong Li
Model reduction methods for two-phase flows based on the Onsager variational principle Speaker:Prof. Xian-Min Xu
Fokker-Planck equations of neuron networks: rigorous justification and numerical simulation Speaker:Prof. Zhen-Nan Zhou
High order positivity-preserving and conservative DG schemes for radiation transfer equations Speaker:Prof. Juan Cheng
构建能量景观上的解景观 Speaker:A/Prof. Lei Zhang
Bayesian selection of misspecified models is overconfident and may cause spurious posterior probabilities for phylogenetic trees Speaker:Prof. Tian-Qi Zhu
Floquet Engineering on Sr-87 optical lattice clock system Speaker:Dr. Tao Wang
Semiclassical computational methods for quantum dynamics with band-crossing and uncertainty Speaker:Prof. Shi Jin
Expansion of EYM Amplitudes in Gauge Invariant Vector Space Speaker:Prof. Bo Feng
A brief survey of contact processes Speaker:A/Prof. Xiao-Feng Xue
Energy-Conserving Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Vlasov Systems Speaker:Prof. Xing-Hui Zhong
Routes to quantum anomalous Hall effect from magnetic topological insulators MnBi2Te4/(Bi2Te3)n Speaker:A/Prof. Qi-Hang Liu
缺口对非晶机械性能的影响 Speaker:Prof. Yi Li
Open Boundaries in Two-Pahse and Multiphase Flows: Energy-Stable Open Boundary Conditions Speaker:Prof. Suchuan Dong
Recent Progresses in home-made HPC, Sugon Speaker:Dr. Xi-Guo Xie
高压下的自旋量子传感 Speaker:A/Prof. Gang-Qin Liu
Restoring E vs k band structure dispersion in low symmetric, disordered systems Speaker:Dr. Zhi Wang
CT with Non-Standard Trajectory: from Concept to Product Speaker:Prof. He-Wei Gao
Laser Cooling of Lattice Phonons in Semiconductors Speaker:Prof. Jun Zhang
The role of entropy in CFD Speaker:Prof. Jie-Quan Li
铁磁性材料的理论研究 Speaker:Prof. Er-Jun Kan
Deep Learning Based Image Reconstruction and PDE Solvers: The Unrolled Dynamics Approach Speaker:Prof. Bin Dong
Hessian Recovery Based Finite Element Methods for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation Speaker:Dr. Hai-Long Guo
A Multiscale/Multiphysics Coupling Framework for Bioprosthetic Heart Valves (BHVs) Damage Speaker:A/Prof. Yue Yu
表面增强拉曼中的分子集体效应 Speaker:Dr. Yuan Zhang
Analytical Low-rank Compression via Proxy Point Selection and Contour Integration Speaker:Prof. Jian-Lin Xia
Multiscale Analysis and Algorithms in Electrodynamics of Novel Materials and Devices Speaker:Prof. Li-Qun Cao
相对论流体力学方程组的可容许状态集与保物理约束的数值方法 Speaker:Prof. Hua-Zhong Tang
Discrete Scale Invariance in Topological Semimetal Speaker:A/Prof. Hai-Wen Liu
超导量子计算进展及谷歌量子优势解析 Speaker:Prof. Heng Fan
Image Restoration from Noisy Incomplete Frequency Data by Alternative Iteration Scheme Speaker:Prof. Ji-Jun Liu
A Weakly Nonlinear, Energy Stable Scheme for the Strongly Anisotropic Cahn-Hilliard System Speaker:A/Prof. Cheng Wang
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Nonlinear Delay Differential Equations Speaker:A/Prof. Qiu-Mei Huang
仿生机器鱼的设计与控制研究 Speaker:A/Prof. Yong Zhong
Semi-Implicit Methods for Phase Field Equations Speaker:A/Prof. Zhong-Hua Qiao
Variational Methods for Evolutionary Systems Speaker:Prof. Sebastian Franz
A Novel Numerical Approach to Time-Fractional Parabolic Equations with Nonsmooth Solutions Speaker:Prof. Dong-Fang Li
Generalized Solvation Free Energy, Neural Network Implementation and Application in Structural Model Assessment, Refinement and Design Speaker:Prof. Pu Tian
时间分数阶相场模型的能量稳定性 Speaker:A/Prof. Tao Zhou
Numerical Analysis of Subdiffusion with a Time-Dependent Coefficient Speaker:A/Prof. Zhi Zhou
On the Unconditional Stability of Implicit-Explicit BDF Methods Speaker:Prof. Georgios Akrivis
Parallelizable Approaches for Nonsmooth Optimization Problems with Orthogonality Constraints Speaker:Prof. Xin Liu
Acceptance Rate is a Thermodynamic Function in Local Monte Carlo Algorithms Speaker:Prof. Lev Shchur
Problems in Patient-Specific Modeling of Electrocardiology Speaker:A/Prof. Huan-Huan Yang
具有SU(N)自旋对称性的哈伯德模型中的平带铁磁相 Speaker:Prof. Wei Zhang
Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Aerosol Dynamic Equations Speaker:Prof. Ming Cui
Ground State Phase Diagram of the Spin S=1/2 XXZ Heisenberg Chain with Alternating Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction Speaker:Prof. George Japaridze
Generation and Storage of Massively Entangled States in a Spin-1 BEC Speaker:Prof. Wen-Xian Zhang
Efficient Encoding of Matrix Product States into Quantum Circuits of One- and Two-Qubit Gates Speaker:A/Prof. Shi-Ju Ran
Focus on the Surface Andreev Bound States of Unconventional Superconductors Speaker:Prof. Bo Lü
Intrinsic Complexity: From Approximation of Random Vectors and Random Fields to Solutions of PDEs Speaker:Prof. Hong-Kai Zhao
Asymptotically Stable Particle-In-Cell Methods for the Vlasov-Poisson System with a Strong External Magnetic Speaker:Prof. Francis Filbet
Analysis of Finite Element Methods for Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamic Flows with Magnetic Vector Potential Formulations Speaker:Prof. Shi-Peng Mao
General Motors and NdFeB Magnets Speaker:Prof. Zaven Altounian
Topological Fractional Pumping in Optical Lattice Speaker:Prof. Rosario Fazio
New Trends in Complex Networks: Chimera States and Solitary Oscillators Speaker:Prof. Yuriy Maistrenko
10dB Vacuum Noise Squeezing and its Application to the Gravitational Wave Detector and On-chip Quantum Circuits Speaker:Prof. Ray-Kuang Lee
Mystery of the Formation of <100> Loops in Irradiated Iron Speaker:Dr. Qing Peng
High-order Bound-preserving Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Stiff Multispecies Detonation Speaker:A/Prof. Jie Du
PT-对称量子系统的嵌入性质及模拟问题 Speaker:Dr. Min-Yi Huang
Computational Semi-relativistic Quantum Mechanics: the Pauli Equation Speaker:Prof. Norbert J. Mauser
Resonant Photovoltaic Effect in Doped Magnetic Topological Materials Speaker:Prof. Dimitrie Culcer
Spin Charge Separation with Quantum Criticality Speaker:Prof. Xi-Wen Guan
Klein Scattering, Tunnelling and Bound-states in Graphene Speaker:Prof. Yshai Avishai
Robust discretization and solver for convection-dominated PDEs with applications to MHD multi-physics systems Speaker:A/Prof. Shuo-Nan Wu
A nonlinear finite volume scheme preserving maximum principle for diffusion equation Speaker:A/Prof. Zhi-Qiang Sheng
Approximations on SO(3) by Wigner D-matrix and applications Speaker:Prof. Jie Xu
Increasing Stability in the Inverse Source Problem with Attenuation and Many Frequencies Speaker:Prof. Shuai Lu
High Efficient Numerical Method for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems Speaker:Prof. He-Hu Xie
Ultrasensing Optical Spectroscopy of Plasmonic Nanocavity Speaker:Prof. Hong-Xing Xu
Quantum Severalty: Fast Protein Folding, Speed up versus Suppresion Speaker:Prof. You-Quan Li
Integrated Photonics Quantum Technologies Speaker:Prof. Jian-Wei Wang
Generalized Passarino-Veltman Reduction at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential Speaker:A/Prof. Hao-Ran Chang
Numerical Methods for Some Nonlinear Transport Equations in Biology Speaker:A/Prof. Zhen-Nan Zhou
Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Stochastic Stokes and Navier-Stokes Equations Speaker:Prof. Xiao-Bing Feng
Heterogeneous and Nonergodic Diffusion: Multiscale Modelling and Simulation Speaker:Prof. Wei-Hua Deng
Developing Finite Element Solvers for Poroelasticity in the 2-Field Approach Speaker:Prof. Jiang-Guo (James) Liu
Multidimensional Borg-Levinson Type Theorems Speaker:Prof. Mourad Choulli
When Chiral Light Meets Chiral Matter: Optical Nonreciprocity and Isolation Speaker:Prof. Ke-Yu Xia
Analysis and Application of Some Numerical Methods for Maxwell’s Equations with Random Inputs Speaker:Prof. Ji-Chun Li
Multiscale Methods for Problems with Singularities Speaker:Prof. Zhong-Yi Huang
Small is Different: Old Questions New Paradigms Speaker:Prof. Uzi Landman
Atomic Collapse and Flat Bands in Graphene Speaker:Prof. François Peeters
A Mathematical Model for Cell Migration and Simulations in 2D Speaker:A/Prof. Ling-Xing Yao
The Finite Element Conditioning on a Class of Anisotropic Meshes Speaker:Prof. Heng-Guang Li
A Second-Quantized Shannon Theory Speaker:Prof. Giulio Chiribella
Quantum Simulation and Machine Learning in the Age of Tensor Network Speaker:Prof. Shi-Ju Ran
Babuska Problem in Composite Materials and Its Applications Speaker:A/Prof. Hai-Gang Li
Determining a Random Schrodinger Equation with Unknown Source and Potential Speaker:A/Prof. Jing-Zhi Li
Theory of Magnetic Interactions in Real Materials Speaker:Prof. Mikhail I. Katsnelson
Dispersion in Confined Systems with Geometric Fluctuations Speaker:Prof. David Dean
Instabilities in Confined Systems with Geometric Fluctuations Speaker:Prof. Matthew Turner
谈谈监管问题 Speaker:Prof. Ke Liu
Discrete Scale Invariance and log B Periodic Quantum Oscillations in Topological Semimetals Speaker:Prof. Robert Joynt
Dynamics of Nanometre Scale Mechanical Resonators in Fluid with Applications to Atomic and Molecular Sensing Speaker:Prof. John E. Sader
Time-Domain Modeling of Excited State Dynamics in Halide Perovskites Speaker:Prof. Oleg Prezhdo
A Review on Symplectic Numerical Methods for Hamiltonian Systems Speaker:Prof. Jia-Lin Hong
The Path Leading from Protein Folding Transition Times to Quantum Tunneling Times Speaker:Prof. Eli Pollak
Energy Stable Fourth Order Finite Difference Scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation Speaker:A/Prof. Cheng Wang
Asympototic Properties of Principle Eigenvalue for Some Elliptic Operators Speaker:Prof. Yuan Lou
Novel Structure Representation and Comparison for Cluster, Quasicrystal, and Crystal Speaker:Prof. Yu-Jun Zhao
使用弱测量方法分割量子纠缠非局域性 Speaker:A/Prof. Yong-Sheng Zhang
通过上传VASP计算结果文件快速构建材料计算数据库的方法和技术 Speaker:Prof. Xiao-Yu Yang
First-Principles Approaches to Electronic Band Structure of Materials Speaker:A/Prof. Hong Jiang
基于玻恩-黄展开的凝聚态体系第一性原理物性模拟 Speaker:A/Prof. Xin-Zheng Li
The (Untapped) Potential of Inorganic Nanotubes as Polarization-Enhanced (Co-)(Photo-)Catalyst: The Imogolite Case Speaker:Dr. Gilberto Teobaldi
The Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Caputo-Type Partial Differential Equations Speaker:Prof. Chang-Pin Li
Donor Clusters: Ground State, Exchange and Future Prospects Speaker:Prof. Dimitrie Culcer
Simulating Unitary and Non-Unitary Quantum Dynamics (of Molecules) Using Integrated Photonics Speaker:Prof. Yogesh Joglekar
Simulations of Laser- and STM-Driven Reactions at Surfaces: Electronic Structure and Dynamics Speaker:Prof. Tillman Klamroth
铁基超导体的远红外光谱学研究 Speaker:Prof. Xiang-Gang Qiu
团簇光谱及动力学研究 Speaker:Prof. Ling Jiang
Quasiparticle Tunneling and Its Scaling in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effects Speaker:Prof. Zi-Xiang Hu
Quantum Time-Crystals Speaker:Prof. Rosario Fazio
Topological and Non-Topological Edge States in Quantum Dots and Chern Insulators Speaker:Prof. José Carlos Egues
X-Ray Ghost Imaging Speaker:Prof. Ling-An Wu
Algorithmic Adaptations to Extreme Scale Computing Speaker:Prof. David E. Keyes
Recent Developments with the Population Annealing Algorithm Speaker:Prof. Lev Shchur
Timescales in the Wang-Landau Algorithm Speaker:Prof. Lev Shchur
贵金属催化剂的原子尺度设计 Speaker:Prof. Bin Shan
2D Materials for Bio-Sensing Speaker:Prof. Jean-Pierre Leburton
分子聚集体中的多激子动力学及金属纳米粒子的等离激元效应 Speaker:Prof. Lu-Xia Wang
Titled Dirac Cones, Non-Symmorpic Symmetries and Possible Odd Frequency Superconductivity in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Salts Speaker:Prof. Gayanath Fernando
Toward a First-Principles Description of Stronger Correlations: Stripe and Magnetic Phases in Cupates to Topological Materials Speaker:Prof. Arun Bansil
Frustrated Optical Lattice: From Topological Excitations to Deconfined Phase Transition Speaker:Prof. Xue-Feng Zhang
13-Moment System with Global Hyperbolicity for Quantum Gas Speaker:Prof. Ruo Li
Asymptotic Analysis and Numerical Method for Singularly Perturbed Eigenvalue Problems Speaker:Prof. Zhong-Yi Huang
Fracton Order Speaker:A/Prof. Xie Chen
Modeling and Simulations of Continuum Dislocation Array Dynamics Speaker:A/Prof. Shu-Yang Dai
Variational Approach to Monte Carlo Renormalization Group Speaker:Prof. Roberto Car
Incomplete Mixing in Reactive Systems - Modeling up the Scales of Complexity Speaker:A/Prof. Diogo Bolster
An Analysis of the Modified L1 Scheme for the Time-Fractional Partial Differential Equations with Nonsmooth Data Speaker:Dr. Yu-Bin Yan
A Positivity-Preserving Energy Stable Numerical Scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Logarithmic Potential Speaker:A/Prof. Cheng Wang
Molecular Dynamics Based Exploration and Learning of Free Energy Landscapes of Oligopeptides and Atomic and Molecular Crystals Speaker:Prof. Mark Tuckerman
Mechanical Properties of Epitaxial Graphene Films: Nanoindentation Experiments and DFT calculations Speaker:Prof. Angelo Bongiorno
Direct Recovery of Wave-Penetrable Scatterers in a Stratified Ocean Waveguide Speaker:A/Prof. Ke-Ji Liu
Analyticity and Inverse Problems for PDE Speaker:Prof. Jin Cheng
Mathematicothermodynamics Speaker:Prof. Hong Qian
Convergence of Solutions of the Weighted Allen-Cahn Equations to Brakke Flow Speaker:Prof. Gao-Feng Zheng
Charge Conserving Approach Alternative to the GW Approximation Speaker:Prof. Baruch Rosenstein
Quantum Kinetic Theory of Magneto-Transport in Topological Materials Speaker:Prof. Dimitrie Culcer
Emerging of "Hamiltonian" in General Nonequilibrium Processes Speaker:Prof. Ping Ao
An Introduction to Bayesian Hypothesis Testing for ANOVA Designs Speaker:A/Prof. Min Wang
Sources of Magnetic Fluctuation on Surface of Qubits Speaker:Prof. Ru-Qian Wu
The Computation of Singular Integrals and Singular Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind Using Puiseux Expansions Speaker:Prof. Tong-Ke Wang
Control Problem with PDE Constraints Speaker:Prof. Zhi-Yue Zhang
微腔激子极化激元玻色爱因斯坦凝聚中关于孤子的研究 Speaker:A/Prof. Yan Xue
Onsager Principle as an Approximation Tool for Complex Two-Phase Flow Problems Speaker:A/Prof. Xian-Min Xu
Atomistic Simulation in Lithium-Sulfur Battery Speaker:Dr. Kah Chun Lau
High-Performance Computing, Attosecond Physics and Deep Learning Speaker:Dr. Shao-Hao Chen
Fluid-Structure Interactions with Biological Applications Speaker:Dr. Long-Hua Zhao
Color, Drama & Symmetry Speaker:Dr. Man Fang
A Positivity-Preserving Finite Volume Scheme for 3D Radiation Diffusion Problems Speaker:Dr. Hui Xie
Topological and Geometric Universal Thermodynamics in Conformal Field Theory Speaker:A/Prof. Wei Li
High-Resolution Characterization of Biological Membranes and Membrane Proteins in Action Speaker:Prof. Emad Tajkhorshid
Mechanical Transportation of Electric Charge and Magnetic Spin in Electronic Nanodevices Speaker:Prof. Robert Shekhter
精确相对论方法X2C及其在分子科学中的应用 Speaker:Prof. Wen-Li Zou
Inelastic Thermoelectricity: A New Light of an Old Field Speaker:Prof. Jian-Hua Jiang
FEM and CIP-FEM for Helmholtz Equation with High Wave Number and PML Truncation Speaker:Prof. Hai-Jun Wu
The Big Picture of Relativistic Molecular Quantum Mechanics Speaker:Prof. Wen-Jian Liu
Semi-Implicit Methods for Phase Field Equations Speaker:A/Prof. Zhong-Hua Qiao
Improving the Accuracy of Molecular Simulations with Better Force Fields Speaker:Dr. Jing Huang
Excited State Dynamics of Photoexcited Charge Carriers in Halide Perovskites: Time-Domain Ab Initio Studies Speaker:Prof. Oleg Prezhdo
Iso-Spectral Problem and Computational Mathematica Speaker:Prof. Jia-Chang Sun
Hybridization at Superconductor-Semiconductor Interfaces Speaker:Dr. Panagiotis Kotetes
Bayesian Deep Learning as a Paradigm for Uncertainty Quantification in Scientific Computing Speaker:Prof. Nicholas Zabaras
Steering of Random Spin Systems for Fast Quantum Annealing Speaker:Prof. Robert Joynt
TchebyFlow: A New Generation of Scientific Computing Where Accuracy is Unlimited Speaker:Prof. Gérard Labrosse
Theoretical Studies on Two-Dimensional Ferroelectrics and Ferromagnets Speaker:Prof. Hong-Jun Xiang
渗流相变理论在社交网络中的应用 Speaker:A/Prof. Yan-Qing Hu
A Universal Scaling Rule for the Morphology of the Cerebral Cortex Speaker:Prof. Bruno Mota
Realization of Massive Relativistic Spin-3/2 Rarita-Schwinger Quasiparticle in Condensed Matter Systems Speaker:Prof. Xian-Gang Wan
二维层内异质结的界面结构、生长机理与电子性质 Speaker:Prof. Ji-Jun Zhao
Continuous Galerkin Solutions for Delay Differential Equations of Pantograph Type Speaker:A/Prof. Qiu-Mei Huang
A Parallelizable Algorithm for Orthogonally Constrained Optimization Problems Speaker:A/Prof. Xin Liu
Promise, Progress and Challenges of Earth-Abundant and Environmentally-Friendly CZTS Solar Cells Speaker:Dr. Xiao-Jing Hao
神威•太湖之光:系统及应用 Speaker:Prof. Hao-Huan Fu
Data-Driven Modeling of Multiphysics Systems Speaker:Dr. Huan Lei
On the Numerical Approximations for the Magneto-Hydrodynamic Equations: A Fully Decoupled, Linear and Unconditionally Energy Stable Scheme Speaker:Prof. Xiao-Feng Yang
Robust Preconditioning for Singularly Perturbed Differential Equations Speaker:Dr. Niall Madden
Machine Learning Techniques in Sponsored Search Speaker:Dr. Qi Ye
Second Order Fully-Discrete Energy Stable Methods on Staggered Grids for Hydrodynamic Phase Field Models of Binary Fluid Mixtures Speaker:Dr. Yue-Zheng Gong
Fully Discrete Second-order Linear Schemes for Hydrodynamic Phase Field Models of Binary Viscous Fluid Flows with Variable Densities Speaker:A/Prof. Jia Zhao
Nodal Finite Element Methods Speaker:Prof. Jun Hu
Adaptivite Least Squares Finite Element Methods Speaker:Prof. Carsten Carstensen
Complex Life at Low Reynolds Number Speaker:A/Prof. On Shun Pak
The Strong-Stability-Preserving (SSP) Scheme for the Integrating Factor (IF) Form of Exponential Time Differencing (ETD) Problems Speaker:A/Prof. Cheng Wang
Understanding Nanoscale Friction in Two-Dimensional Materials Speaker:Prof. Yong-Hyun Kim
世界性挑战:室温合成氨 Speaker:Prof. Cheng-Hua Sun
Quantum Dots – Artificial Atoms, Large Molecules or Small Pieces of Bulk? Insights from Time-Domain Ab Initio Studies Speaker:Prof. Oleg Prezhdo
磁选态-光检测小型铯原子钟研制进展 Speaker:A/Prof. Yan-Hui Wang
石墨烯中新奇量子物态的研究 Speaker:Prof. Lin He
Modeling, Understanding, and Manipulating Nonlinear Responses in Plasmonic Nanostructures Speaker:Prof. Wei Sha
AI技术发展以及在医疗健康影像领域的应用 Speaker:吴志力 工程师
基于原子轨道基组的第一性原理计算软件ABACUS介绍 Speaker:Prof. Li-Xin He
The Pseudopotential Description of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect without Rotational Symmetry Speaker:Dr. Zi-Xiang Hu
PHG: A Framework for Parallel Adaptive Finite Element Method and Its Application on Heterogeneous Computer Speaker:A/Prof. Tao Cui
A Single-Atom Spin-Orbit Qubit in Si Speaker:Prof. Dimitrie Culcer
Inferring Biological Networks with Strong Connections Speaker:Prof. Tie-Jun Li
Plasmon-Driven Sub-Picosecond Breathing of Metal Nanoparticles Speaker:Prof. Cristián G. Sánchez
Quantifying Structural and Functional Convergence in Immune Cell Repertoires Speaker:Prof. Daron M. Standley
First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Liquid Water and Lithium Speaker:Dr. Mo-Han Chen
Dissipative Phase Transitions Speaker:Prof. Rosario Fazio
Chiral Majorana Fermion Mode from Quantum Anomalous Hall Plateau Transitions Speaker:Prof. Jing Wang
Optical Properties of Hybrid Nanostructures: The Interference Effect Speaker:Prof. Wei Zhang
A New Approach for the Mesoscopic and Macroscopic Modeling of Quantum Systems: Application in 2D Materials Speaker:Prof. Sheng-Jun Yuan
Perfectly-Matched-Layer Boundary Integral Equation Method for Wave Scattering in A Layered Medium Speaker:Prof. Wang-Tao Lu
第一原理高通量计算方法在合金结构搜索中的应用 Speaker:Prof. Xiao-Bao Yang
Metabolic Models at Community Scale Speaker:A/Prof. Tian-Yu Zhang
Prediction of New Intrinsic 2D Organic Topological Insulators Speaker:Dr. Li-Zhi Zhang
Challenges in the Study of Transition-Metal Finite-Size Particles Speaker:Prof. Juarez L. F. Da Silva
Ab-initio Simulations for Attosecond Spectroscopy in Solids Speaker:Prof. Kazuhiro Yabana
Spin Photocurrents and Spin Injection in Semiconductors Speaker:A/Prof. Jun Li
凸优化的分裂收缩算法 Speaker:Prof. Bing-Sheng He
Neutron Scattering on Fully Deuterated Protein Speaker:Dr. Liang Hong
Calculating Polarons in TiO2 Speaker:Prof. Dr. Peter Deak
Discovery of Solar Fuels Photoanode Materials with a Combination of High-Throughput Theory and Experiment Speaker:A/Prof. Qi-Min Yan
Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoir Modeling and Simulation Speaker:Prof. Zhang-Xing Chen
Glucose Feeds the TCA Cycle via Circulating Lactate Speaker:Dr. Sheng Hui
An Introduction to Delaunay-based Mesh Generation and Adaptation Speaker:Prof. Hang Si
Topological States of Bosons and Fermions in Synthetic Magnetic Fields Speaker:Dr. Ying-Hai Wu
Modeling Spatiotemporal Regulation of Mitotic Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Speaker:A/Prof. Jing Chen
A Second Order Accurate Energy Stable Linear Scheme for the Epitaxial Thin Film Growth Model Without Slope Selection Speaker:A/Prof. Cheng Wang
Stochastic Systems Having Continuous Dynamics and Discrete Events and Applications Speaker:Prof. Gang Yin
Novel Magnetism in Mixed 3d-5d Materials Speaker:Prof. Wei-Guo Yin
Approximation of Transport Equations with Continuous Finite Elements: The Issue of the Mass Matrix Speaker:Prof. Remi Abgrall
Kinetic and Structural Analysis of the 26S Proteasome Speaker:A/Prof. Ying Lu
The Weak Galerkin Method and Its Applications Speaker:Prof. Xiu Ye
Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics with Time-Domain Density Functional Theory Speaker:Prof. Oleg Prezhdo
Duality in Physics - the Role of Entanglement Speaker:Prof. Joseph H. Eberly
Imaging using xFELs Speaker:Dr. Feng-Lin Wang
Complex Simulations: From Numerical Mathematics via Software to Applications Speaker:Prof. Wolfgang Bangerth
Active Adsorbents for Molecular Separation Speaker:A/Prof. Jin Shang
Ab initio Study of Novel Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage Speaker:A/Prof. Patrick Sit
Tensor Model for Bent-Core Liquid Crystals Based on Molecular Theory Speaker:Dr. Jie Xu
Photo-Acoustic and Thermo-Acoustic Tomography in an Inhomogeneous Medium Speaker:A/Prof. Yang Yang
Theoretical Prediction of Crystallization Kinetics of a Supercooled Fluid Speaker:Prof. Xue-Yu Song
Nonequilibrium Stochastic Processes at Single-Molecule and Single-Cell Levels Speaker:A/Prof. Hao Ge
Application of DFT to Find and Tune the Suitable Materials for Solar Energy Applications Speaker:Prof. K. Senthilkumar
Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Sub-Cell Discontinuity Resolution for High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations Speaker:Prof. John Ekaterinaris
Finite Elements for Some Singular Perturbation Problems Speaker:Prof. Shao-Chun Chen
共融水下仿生机器人 Speaker:Prof. Guang-Ming Xie
Black Phosphorus and Beyond Speaker:A/Prof. Li Yang
Mass Conservative and Energy Stable Finite Difference Methods for the Quasi-incompressible Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard System: Primitive Variable and Projection-Type Schemes Speaker:Prof. Ping Lin
Exponential-Type Time Integrators for Nonlinear Schrödinger, Korteweg-De Vries and Klein-Gordon Type Equations Speaker:Prof. Katharina Schratz
New Finite Element Methods for 3D Anisotropic Singular Solutions Speaker:A/Prof. Heng-Guang Li
Determination of Time-Dependent Coefficients for Hyperbolic Equations Speaker:A/Prof. Yavar Kian
Self-Bound Droplets of a Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate: Stabilized by The Lee-Huang-Yang Corrections Speaker:Prof. Blair Blakie
Hydrodynamics of Quantum Vortices in Two Dimensions Speaker:Dr. Xiao-Quan Yu
Automating Scientific Computing Speaker:Dr. Garth Wells
Single Photon Transient Hot Electron Ionization of C60 Speaker:Prof. Klavs Hansen
Thermal Convection Dictated by Non-Trivial Boundary Conditions Speaker:Prof. Jun Zhang
Optimal Estimates for Elliptic Equations and Systems from Composite Material Speaker:A/Prof. Hai-Gang Li
High-Performance Dual Optimization Theory and Algorithms to Medical Image Analysis and Machine Learning Speaker:Prof. Jing Yuan
High-Order Graphs in Computer Vision: A Pseudo-Bound Optimization Approach Speaker:A/Prof. Ismail Ben Ayed
Atomistic Modelling of Materials for Rechargeable Batteries Speaker:Dr. Javier Carrasco
Homogenization Theory, Random Fluctuations and Inverse Problems Speaker:A/Prof. Wen-Jia Jing
Wave Scattering by Sub-Wavelength Resonators and Their Applications Speaker:A/Prof. Hai Zhang
Theoretical and Modeling Design on Both Cathode and Anode Material System of Lithium-Sulfur Battery Speaker:A/Prof. Qian-Fan Zhang
GPU量化程序TeraChem, 功能和应用 Speaker:Prof. Jian-Guo Yu
Theory and Numerics of Bosonic Topological Insulator and Self-Dual Quantum Critical Point Speaker:A/Prof. Cen-Ke Xu
Mass a Ion Diffusion/Transport, and Voltage Evaluation in Battery Materials –An Integral Computational Approach Speaker:Dr. Stefano Leoni
光和物质相互作用:从宏观到微观 Speaker:Prof. Zhi-Yuan Li
Topologically Protected Unidirectional Edge Spin Waves and Beam Splitter Speaker:Prof. Xiang-Rong Wang
生物医学中的光声非线性影像: 光片荧光成像和超声谐波成像 Speaker:A/Prof. Jian-Guo Ma
Using Deep Learning to Predict Drug Response in Cancer Speaker:Prof. Sergei Maslov
世界领先的数据图库Neo4j Speaker:Dr. Min Li
Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method Coupled with Implicit Integration Factor Methods for Reaction-Diffusion Systems Speaker:Prof. Xi-Jun Yu
RNA Structurome Reveals a Hidden Layer of Complexity in Gene Regulation Speaker:A/Prof. Qiang-Feng Zhang
Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions and Single-Photon Interaction Dynamics in Rydberg Atoms Speaker:Prof. Jin-Hui Wu
Interband Theory of Kerr Rotation in Unconventional Superconductors Speaker:Prof. Robert Joynt
Towards a Mathematical Understanding of Surface Hopping Algorithms Speaker:A/Prof. Zhen-Nan Zhou
Ab initio Computations of Electron Correlation Effects: An Auxiliary-Field Perspective Speaker:Prof. Shi-Wei Zhang
What Structural Engineers Do to Protect Our Communities against Earthquakes Speaker:A/Prof. Zhe Qu
Strongly Interacting Spinor Bosons or Fermions with Spin Orbit Couplings in Lattice Systems Speaker:Prof. Jin-Wu Ye
小分子光谱与动力学行为的量子力学模拟 Speaker: A/Prof. Yong-Gang Yang
Connecting Active Matter to Polymers, Motors and Membranes Speaker:Prof. Matthew Turner
Principles of Proton Transfer in Proteins Speaker:Prof. Ai-Hua Xie
Correlation Matrix Renormalization Method for Studying Correlated-Electron Materials Speaker:Prof. Cai-Zhuang Wang
Torsional Optomechanics and Quantum Simulation of An Optically Levitated Nano-Diamond Speaker:Dr. Zhang-Qi Yin
Synthesizing Exotic Floquet Topological States of Matter by Periodic Driving Speaker:Prof. Jun-Hong An
Gradient Estimates for the Non-Standard Quasilinear Elliptic and Parabolic Equations Speaker:A/Prof. Chao Zhang
Entropy and Renormalized Solutions for Quasilinear Elliptic (Parabolic) Equations With L^1 Data Speaker:Prof. Shu-Lin Zhou
The Study on Adaptive Cartesian Grid Methods for Compressible Flow and Their Applications Speaker:A/Prof. Jian-Ming Liu
A Fast and Robust Sampling Method for Inverse Acoustic Scattering Problems Speaker:A/Prof. Xiao-Dong Liu
Spectral Method for Maxwell Equations in Cole-Cole Dispersive Media Speaker:Dr. Can Huang
Interaction of a Deformable Plate with a Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow in Three Dimensions Speaker:A/Prof. Luo-Ding Zhu
Numerical Methods for Inverse Scattering problems with Phaseless Data Speaker:Prof. Bo Zhang
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ionic Liquids: The Effect of the Electronic Polarizability Speaker:Prof. Tian-Ying Yan
Can Thermalization Breakdown in Quantum Many-body Systems? Speaker:Prof. Matthew Fisher
Finite Element Approximation of a Time-Fractional Diffusion Problem in a Non-Convex Polygonal Domain Speaker:Dr. Kim Ngan Le
A Multilevel Preconditioner for Data Assimilation with 4D-Var Speaker:Dr. Alison Ramage
Universal Stability of Two-Dimensional Traditional Semiconductors Speaker:Prof. Shen-Bai Zhang
A New First-order Framework for Orthogonal Constrained Optimization Problems Speaker:A/Prof. Xin Liu
Clean Combustion of Internal Combustion Engines Speaker:Dr. Xiao-Ye Han
Quantum Mirrors Speaker:Prof. Valerio Scarani
From Open Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Control Speaker:Prof. Jun Jing
Sparse Approximation of Tight Frames for CT Image Reconstruction, and Beyond Speaker:A/Prof. Bin Dong
Nanoelectronic Device Simulation with NEMO5—A Novel Tunneling Transistor with Triple Heterojunctions Speaker:Dr. Jun Huang
Simple Ergodic Variants of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method Speaker:Prof. Jesús María Sanz-Serna
Supercloseness of Continuous Interior Penalty Methods Speaker:Dr. Jin Zhang
Least Squares Based High Order Numerical Method for Elliptic Multiscale Partial Differential Equations Speaker:Prof. Ping-Bing Ming
Populations in Fluids and the Importance of Diffusing Faster Speaker:Dr. Simone Pigolotti
Uniform Convergence Analysis of High Order IPDG Methods for Singularly Perturbed Problem Speaker:A/Prof. Peng Zhu
气固流动的格子Boltzmann模拟及最新应用 Speaker:Prof. Li-Min Wang
Semiclassical Limit of the Schrodinger-Poisson-Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert System Speaker:Dr. Li-Hui Chai
Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Quantum Integrable Systems Speaker:Prof. Natan Andrei
Mechanics of Structural Materials away from Equilibrium: a Tale of Two Solids by Energy Landscape-based Atomistic Modeling Speaker:Dr. Yue Fan
Numerical Methods for Changing-Type Systems Speaker:Dr. Sebastian Franz
On the Divergence Constraint in Mixed Finite Element Methods for Incompressible Flows Speaker:Prof. Volker John
Fishing Strategies as a Nonconvex Optimal Control Problem Speaker:Prof. Malte Braack
Two Singularly Perturbed Question Marks Speaker:Prof. Hans-Goerg Roos
Strongly Correlated Phases of Rydberg-Dressed Atoms in Optical Lattices Speaker:Prof. Wei-Bin Li
Analysis and Numerics on a 2D Dynamic Q-Tensor Model Speaker:Prof. Xiang Xu
Multi Time Scale Averaging to All Orders: Rigorous Theory, Theoretical and Computational Results Speaker:Prof. Avy Soffer
Optics in Oceanography Speaker:Prof. Edward S. Fry
From Unitary Dynamics to Statistical Mechanics in Isolated Quantum Systems Speaker:Prof. Marcos Rigol
Effective Hamiltonian for Edge States in Graphene Speaker:Prof. Roland Winkler
Characterizing Topological Phases by Many-Particle Collective Properties Speaker:Prof. Ulrich Zuelicke
How Does the CRISPR-Cas System Defend Against the Invasive Nucleic Acids? Speaker:Prof. Yan-Li Wang
Mathematical Models and a Theory of Biological Population Dynamics: From Cells to Ecology, Small and Large Systems Speaker:Prof. Hong Qian
An Integrated Study of Biological Fluid Dynamics in Nature Speaker:A/Prof. Hai-Bo Dong
Enhancing Sparsity in Uncertainty Quantification Problems by Iterative Rotations Speaker:Dr. Xiu Yang
Monotone Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Parabolic Problems Speaker:Prof. Igor Boglaev
A Posteriori Estimates for Singularly Perturbed Reaction-Diffusion Problems on Isotropic and Anisotropic Meshes Speaker:Prof. Natalia Kopteva
Quantum Monte Carlo Study Of The Rabi-Hubbard model Speaker:Prof. Ghassan Georges Batrouni
Topological Phases and Superconductivity with Ultracold Polar Molecules Speaker:Prof. Salvatore R. Manmana
Spins as Qubits for Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulations Speaker:Prof. Dieter Suter
Multi Spin Qubits Architecture as a Resource for Quantum Information Processing and for Probing Nuclear Spins Dynamics Speaker:Dr. Matthieu Delbecq
A Phase Field Model on Cell Migration Speaker:A/Prof. Yan-Xiang Zhao
Diagnosing Short-Range Entangled States with the "Strange Correlator" Speaker:A/Prof. Kevin Beach
A Fast Spectral Method for the Boltzmann Collision Operator with General Collision Kernel Speaker:A/Prof. Jing-Wei Hu
Quantum Algorithms for Topological and Geometric Analysis of Big Data Speaker:Prof. Paolo Zanardi
Fast Huygens Sweeping Methods for Helmholtz Equations in Inhomogeneous Media in the High Frequency Regime Speaker:Prof. Jian-Liang Qian
Energy-Stable Pseudo-Spectral Numerical Scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation and the Linear Iteration Algorithm Speaker:A/Prof. Cheng Wang
Computational Modeling and Analysis in Engineering and Bioengineering Speaker:Prof. Raghuvir Pai
Spectrum Structure and Behaviors of Kinetic Equations Speaker:Prof. Hai-Liang Li
Some Topics On Nonlinear Fluid-dynamical Equations Speaker:Prof. Shu Wang
Quasi-Optimal Domain Decomposition Methods for Wave Equations Speaker:Prof. Xavier Antoine
Bound-Preserving High Order Schemes for Convection-Dominated Problems Speaker:Prof. Chi-Wang Shu
Similarity of Variable Viscosity Flows Speaker:Prof. Luminita Danaila
Estimation of the Local Volatility from Option Data in the Dupire PDE Model Speaker:Prof. Jorge Zubelli
Newton and Sobolev Gradient Methods for Fluid Flow Problems Speaker:Prof. Ionut Danaila
Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Partial Differential Equations Speaker:Prof. Yu-Shun Wang
光通信波段的光量子技术 Speaker:A/Prof. Wei Zhang
From Molecular Dynamics to Genomic Biology: Constructing Kinetic Network Models to Elucidate Transcriptional Fidelity of RNA Polymerase II Speaker:A/Prof. Xu-Hui Huang
Weak Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Partial Differential Equations Speaker:A/Prof. Chun-Mei Wang
Probabilistic Perspective for Dirichlet Problem Associated to Integro-Differential Operator Speaker:A/Prof. Qing-Shuo Song
TGF-β Signal Transduction and Cell Fate Decision Speaker:A/Prof. Jian-Hua Xing
高熵合金的原子级模拟 Speaker:A/Prof. Fu-Yang Tian
From Paired-Electron Crystal to Superconductivity in the Frustrated Quarter-filled Band Speaker:Prof. Sumit Mazumdar
Explore Slow Dynamics of Proteins Based on Trajectory Map Speaker:Prof. Xin Zhou
Making the Decoy-State Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Practically Useful Speaker:Prof. Xiang-Bin Wang
Ultrahigh Spatiotemporal Resolution Optical Measurement and Microfluidics Applications Speaker:Prof. Gui-Ren Wang
Bounce-Back Boundary Condition at First Order Speaker:Prof. Francois Dubois
Quantum Mechanical NMR Simulations of Whole Proteins Speaker:Prof. Ilya Kuprov
Towards Materials Realization of Topological Superconductivity Speaker:Prof. Zhen-Yu Zhang
Critical Heat Engines Speaker:Prof. Rosario Fazio
Perfectly Matched Layer Method for Electromagnetic Scattering Problems in Layered Media Speaker:Prof. Wei-Ying Zheng
A New Approach for the Mesoscopic and Macroscopic Modeling of Quantum Systems: Application in 2D Materials Speaker:Prof. Sheng-Jun Yuan
Manifold Embedding - From Single-Particle Snapshots to Movies of Molecular Machines and Energy Landscapes Speaker:Prof. Peter Schwander
Droplet and Particle Technologies for Chemistry and Physics Applications Speaker:Prof. Steve Wereley
Dissipative Quantum Transport and Energy Conversion in Nanoelectronics Speaker:Dr. Yu Zhang
Spin Filtering: Writing Quantum Information on Mobile Qubits Speaker: Prof. Amnon Aharony
Cavity Spintronics Speaker:Prof. Can-Ming Hu
Single-Electron Approach for Time-Dependent Transport under External Noise Speaker:Prof. Shmuel Gurvitz
An Analysis of the Moment Closure for Spin-Boson Model in Quantum Open System Speaker:Prof. Tie-Jun Li
Chebyshev Polynomial Expansions for Localization Length of Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Chains Speaker:Prof. Naomichi Hatano
ALE-Phase-Field Simulations of Moving Contact Lines on Moving Particles Speaker:A/Prof. Peng-Tao Yue
Decoherence of a Moving Spin Qubit Speaker:Prof. Xue-Dong Hu
ROC Analysis for Rain/No-Rain Classification method for Brightness Temperature over the Korean Peninsula Speaker:Dr. Sung-Dae Yang
Feedback Control of an HBV Model Based on Ensemble Kalman Filter and Differential Evolution Speaker:Prof. Hee-Dae Kwon
Some New Mathematical and Computational Aspects on Iso-spectral Problems Speaker:Prof. Jia-Chang Sun
Stochastic Simulation of Quantum Dissipative Dynamics Speaker:Prof. Yun-An Yan
非结构网格紧致模板高精度有限体积方法的若干问题 Speaker:Prof. Yu-Xin Ren
A Possible Role of Multiscale Thermodynamics in Computation Speaker:Prof. Miroslav Grmela
Multiscale Thermodynamics Speaker:Prof. Miroslav Grmela
Exponential Time Differencing Gauge Method for Incompressible Viscous Flows Speaker:A/Prof. Zhu Wang
Diamond as an Extreme Semiconductor for Optoelectronics and MEMS Speaker:Dr. Mei-Yong Liao
辐射流体力学系统的宏观参数研究 Speaker:Prof. Xian-Tu He
Understanding and Predicting Multiferroics Speaker:Prof. Hong-Jun Xiang
A Review of AlphaGo and its Machine Learning Methods Speaker:Prof. Jooyoung Lee
Recent Lessons from the Wings of Nature Speaker:A/Prof. Hao-Xiang Luo
CQLM-A Novel Numerical Approach to Solve the Gradient Flow Problem Speaker:A/Prof. Xiao-Feng Yang
湍流燃烧中的大涡模拟/概率密度函数模型计算 Speaker:A/Prof. Yue Yang
能源中微尺度界面与传输现象的分子动力学模拟研究 Speaker:Prof. Guang Feng
Complementarity and Vacuum Fields in Spontaneous and Stimulated Parametric Downconversion Speaker:Prof. Peter Milonni
Quantum Criticality with Two Length Scales Speaker:Prof. Wen-An Guo
Algorithms for Optical and X-Ray Imaging: from Biomolecules to Nanoparticles Speaker:Prof. Sebastian Doniach
The Knotted Strands of Life Speaker:Prof. Cristian Micheletti
Multiscale Model Reduction Methods and Their Applications for Uncertainty Quantification Speaker:Prof. Li-Jian Jiang
Folding Proteins at the Speed of Life Speaker:Prof. Antti Niemi
"Polarization" without Polarization - Introducing a Hidden Territory of Optical Coherence via Classical Entanglement Speaker:Dr. Xiao-Feng Qian
Physics of Viruses Speaker:Prof. Roya Zandi
Solutions to the Rabi Model and Its Several Variants Speaker:Prof. Qing-Hu Chen
Open Quantum Many-Body Systems - Interactions, Dissipations and Noises Speaker:Dr. Zi Cai
辐射流体力学系统的宏观参数研究 Speaker:Prof. Xian-Tu He
Superconductivity in Complex Electronic Systems under Pressure Speaker:Prof. Xiao-Jia Chen
若干锂离子固体电解质中的离子运输物理 Speaker:Prof. Si-Qi Shi
强自旋轨道耦合电子关联体系理论研究 Speaker:Prof. Xian-Gang Wan
Quantum Phases Emerged from the Interplay between Mott Physics and Topology Band Speaker:Prof. Jian-Xin Li
Enhanced Sampling for Rare Events in Molecular Simulation Speaker:Dr. Tang-Qing Yu
Anitigravity - Its Origin and Manifestations Speaker:Prof. Michal Krizek
Correlations between electrons in transition-metal oxides and transition-metal phthalocyanines Speaker:Dr. Wei Wu
Sub-Linear Algorithm for Recovering Sparse Fourier Series Speaker:Prof. Yang Wang
An Efficient Threshold Dynamics Method for Wetting on Rough Surfaces Speaker:Prof. Xiao-Ping Wang
Homing Instinct: The story behind and beyond biocompass model Speaker:Prof. Can Xie
Continuous Attractor Neural Network: A Cannonical Model for Neural Information Representation Speaker:Prof. Si Wu
Classifying Symmetry Fractionalization in Gapped Z2 Spin Liquids Speaker:A/Prof. Yang Qi
ALEX边界条件及其在薛定谔方程计算中的应用 Speaker:Prof. Shao-Qiang Tang
Ab initio Calculations of Charge Transports and Dynamics in Nanosystems Speaker:Dr. Lin-Wang Wang
Visualizing Kinetic Pathways of Homogeneous Nucleation in Colloidal Crystallization Speaker:Prof. Lei Xu
Challenges of Ice Flow Modelings: from Alpine Glaciers on Tibet Plateau to Antarctic Ice Sheet Speaker:A/Prof. Tong Zhang
Phase Transition and Multiphase Flows in Low Permeability Geological Porous Media Speaker:A/Prof. Xiao-Long Yin
Mathematical Analysis and Time-Domain Finite Element Modeling of Invisibility Cloaks with Metamaterials Speaker:Prof. Ji-Chun Li
Low-Rank Structures and Multi-Resolution Algorithms with Applications Speaker:Prof. Jing-Fang Huang
Higher Order Energy Stable Numerical Schemes for the Gradient Flows Speaker:A/Prof. Cheng Wang
Random Number Generation Tools for Distributed Simulation on Modern HPC Architectures Speaker:Prof. Michael Mascagni
Design Principle Guided Computational Materials Discovery and Design Speaker:A/Prof. Hao-Wei Peng
Hybrid Quantum Engineering for Quantum Sensing and Control Speaker:Prof. Jason Twamley
Notch-Boosted Domain Wall Propagation in Magnetic Nanowires Speaker:Prof. Xiang-Rong Wang
Vorticity Patterns in Tissues induced by Cell Divisions Speaker:Prof. Mogens H. Jensen
Fractionalized Spin-Wave Continuum in Kagome Spin Liquids Speaker:Dr. Jia-Wei Mei
探讨"材料基因组"的科学内涵 Speaker:王崇愚 院士
Recent DFTB Extension for Improving Accuracy and Boosting the Efficiency for Computational Applications to Nanomaterials Speaker:Prof. Thomas Frauenheim
Magnetic Monopole Condensation Transition out of Quantum Spin Ice Speaker:Prof. Gang Chen
Phase Transitions, Devitrification and Scaling Law in Metallic Glasses Speaker:Prof. John S. Tse
Symmetry-Mismatch Reconstruction of Icosahedral Virus by Cryo-EM Speaker:Prof. Hong-Rong Liu
生物飞行与游弋中的流体力学机制 Speaker:张骏 教授
Mixed Finite Element Method for Elasticity Problems Speaker:Prof. Jun Hu
可压缩两相流高精度方法研究及其数值模拟 Speaker:何志伟 博士
Isoelectronicity to Phosphorus a Potential for Electronic Applications Speaker:Prof. Gotthard Seifert
Tight-Binding Density Functional Theory (DFTB) – An Approximate Kohn-Sham DFT Scheme Speaker:Prof. Gotthard Seifert
Functional Distribution of the Tempered Anomalous Diffusion and Its Numerical Simulations Speaker:Prof. Wei-Hua Deng
Replica exchange Wang-Landau Sampling: Pushing the Limits of Monte Carlo Simulations for Materials Science Speaker:Prof. David P. Landau
光滑分子动力学:一种高效的分子模拟方法 Speaker:刘岩 副教授
A Runge Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Lagrangian Compressible Euler Equations in Two-Dimensions Speaker:Prof. Xi-Jun Yu
Proteins Aggregation and Human Diseases Speaker:Prof. Chin-Kun Hu
III-V Semiconductor Materials and Devices for Application in Photovoltaics, Optoelectronics, Spintronics and UV Detection Speaker:Professor Daniel Schaadt
Computational Holography with Its Applications Speaker:Dr. Hong-Bao Zhang
铁方镁石的自旋转变所带来的下地幔波速结构特点 Speaker:吴忠庆 教授
Hidden Spin Polarization in Materials with Inversion Symmetry: Causes and Consequences Speaker:Dr. Qi-Hang Liu
Recent Developments in Finite Element Methods on Triangular Meshes for Convection-dominated Problems Speaker:Dr. Jin Zhang
Integrating Cavities and Their Use in Ring-Down Spectroscopy – e.g. Ultra-Sensitive Absorption Spectroscopy of Biological Samples Speaker:Prof. Edward S. Fry
Electronic Excitations in Materials: From Photovoltaics to Plasmonics Speaker:Prof. Gang Lu
Application of Atomic Pseudopotentials in Intense Laser-Material Interactions Speaker:Prof. Xiao-Min Tong
New Insights into Amyloid Growth and Inhibition: Lessons from Kinetic Network Analysis of Computer Simulations Speaker:Dr. Wei Han, Assistant Professor
Disordered Quantum Systems at the Warwick Centre for Scientific Computing Speaker:Prof. Rudolf A. Roemer
Atomic Scale Study of Dirac Materials: Graphene and Topological Insulator (Bi2Se3) Speaker:Prof. Ying Liu
Local Fourier Analysis based Design of Geometric Multigrid Methods on Semi-Structured Triangular Grids Speaker:Dr. Carmen Rodrigo, Assistant Professor
Numerical Simulation of Flow in Deformable Porous Media Speaker:Prof. Francisco José Gaspar
Existence Results to the Nonlinear Peridynamic Model in Nonlocal Elastodynamics Speaker:Mr. Dimitri Puhst
Numerical Simulation of the Rosensweig Instability for Magnetic Liquid in the Static and Dynamic Cases Speaker:Prof. Gunar Matthies
Quantum Information Processing in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime Speaker:Dr. Guillermo Romero, Assistant Professor
On the Competitions between Mechanical Work, Information, Temperature Gradient and Chemical Potentials in Stochastic Thermal Machines Speaker:Dr. Hai-Tao Quan, Assistant Professor
Quantum Phase Space in Physics and Engineering Speaker:Prof. Leon Cohen
Filament Capturing with the Multimaterial Moment-of-Fluid Method Speaker:Professor Mark Sussman
A Positivity Preserving All Speed Projection Method for Compressible, Multiphase Flow Speaker:Professor Mark Sussman